Some home made NewIcons
for your viewing and using
by Stephen Hamacek
This is my first small collection of NewIcons to be
released into the pd. I have included most of the
NIs that I have created from scratch myself, though
some of them are just modified versions of NIs from
the original NewIcons or NewIconsExtras packages
(available on aminet).
As with all NewIcons, these rely on the NI patch to
show up correctly, and in fact, that is what makes
them particularly useful. (For the uninitiated, NewIcons
allows icons to be displayed [particularly under KS3]
with dynamically assigned colours so that they always
look at least fairly good [with 1-3 planes] to great
with 4+ planes - i.e. no more icons that don't look right
with your Workbench Pallette).
So if you haven't yet, do try the NewIcons package to
fully enjoy my mini artworks!
A last minute bonus is my hires hand pointer which I think
looks better than any I've seen (humble huh?). BTW is there
any way of getting a REAL hi-res (ie squarish pixels ala
interlace hi-res) workbench pointer? I haven't had any luck
with lacepointer on my A1200..
More about NewIconsSH
I have used the standard NI pallette for all of these
icons (I think) and have likewise made all the icons
the recommended 36x40 size. The only stylistic vari-
ation I have subscribed to at times is using a flat
view instead of the common isometric look. Don't get
me wrong, I do like the iso icons, just sometimes it's
nice to see something a little different, and some
icons just call out for it (e.g. ADPro)
DollarTool Yellow dollar sign - expands when clicked *
DollarProject Blue version of the above (I use these for HomeBudget) *
Cloud Fluffy cloud - lightning when clicked (many uses) *
Galaga The Galaga ship having a warp (great game!) *
Inputlock Ban the keys and mouse! #
Knights Knight and bat (click to hack!) (Another great game!) *
Lockcolors Probably don't need this if you use NI #
LoG! a la Ren & Stimpy (of course, with many uses ..) *
Minesweeper Mine and Happy face *
Pagestream The Pagestream running man (hope the colours are right) *
ADPro Ben Franklin etc @
Wings Cloud with biplane (good for any WWI fl.sim) @
PacMan PacMania style paccer! *
Eye Photographic eye (I use it for multiview) %
SuperDuper #
* = My original work
# = Adapted from RJM's other newicons
% = Adapted from RJM's rjmicons set
@ = Adapted from original program icon (but tarted up by me!)
In the pipeline
I'm working on a complete set of icons for HackliteII
reminiscent of Jeff Lee's originals - should see them
soon. I really just make icons as I need them, but as
soon as there is another dozen or so, I'll put another
lot out.
Software companies and authors:
If you want newicons support and need an icon I can be
contacted by email on s301677@student.uq.edu.au
(my wife's address) or by
voice on +61 7 290 0647 (Australia). I will
be most happy to help so please don't hesitate to
contact me.
In the meantime
Thanks to the NewIcons team for liberating Workbench
from itself.
Try appchange to give appicons newicon facelifts
Stephen Hamacek
41 Albert Street
Woodridge Q 4114
ph +61 7 290 0647