First of all, this will be my last set of Icons, however, if anyone wishes an Icon
of pirticular interest, please send me a mail, and I'll be glad to make them. As it
stands now, there are thousands and thousands of Icons/NewIcons available already, so
why do more when there is plenty to go around..
The fact is, I'm running out of creativity I think, and this is all I can think of ATM.
Also, sorry for taking so long to upload only few Icons! (Alas!)
Please read the Guide file enclosed to see the contents of this archive, in greater
Lets continue:
This is a "Small" collection of the New, RPG style NewIcon Image Drawers for
your WorkBench, plus several regular icons, and an update to the OLD style, (not many)
plus a collection of Icons for your every day Music formats. Furthermore, there are
some Emulator Drawers and Icons for your favorite Amiga Console Emulators Like CoolNess
and DarkNESs.
I play a lot of RPG's on my Amiga, and I havn't to find ( YET, wait... done!;)
an Icon Image Drawer like I need, other than the lot I still use! "Why not add to
the collection I have now, with some Role Playing Drawers or simply a nice
Meidevil style look" I said to myself, thats why I have created some more of my
own, to fill up my harddrive even more even, and to give away, of course!
Also to my fellow RPG'ers, who might think the same thing, here you go!
Anyone can use these Icons however, there FREE, why n0t!
There is also a collection of 2 Pointers and some Background patterns as well,
even newer ones, to add to the RPG Invirons. (If this archive could take the name
Send me a mail if you like em! :) Or, not! :/
I hope you guys aren't dissapointed in the change of artistry...but hey, there is
always room for a new look (and improvements..) It may even appear that this release
has ran off the beatin' path of it's predisesor, but, it's all good, I hope...
Greets still go to Phil Vedovatti! ( Greets :)
Greets still go to Richard Kapp ! ( Greets :)
Greets go to Roy Ellingsen ! ( Greets :)
I could go on and on, but..! ( Greets :) To Amigans all over the world!