This Collection of NewIcons has been collected from various parts of the WWW
All Trademarks are recognised as registered to the respective companies
whoever they may be...
Most Drawers Have Icons unless it was missed..
If you don't see Icons in a Drawer Use Show All Icons from Workbench
This Collection is Currently NOT COMPLETE ...
Some Icons are also still in seperate parts...
Don't worry about nationality..there SHOULD be a flag here for it...
currently 316 flags within two drawers...
The Intention is to make alternative styles available to the Amiga Community
and apart from that...this is only a start 8)
NOTE: take these Icons as an Image Collection...Not an Installable product
Warning: Dopus5 Incorrectly Displays ALL of the enclosed Icons
Ask Jonathon Potter Why Dopus5 apply's changes on selection...
Warning: Avoid Opening some drawers on low ChipMem Machines unless
using a GfxCard in which case you may want better...
PLUS: Wanted Information about Windows Icon Formats [ .ICO .ICL ]
Send Submissoins and help to
This Collection may best suit ECS or AGA native Amiga's
GfxCard users may be better off getting 'Larger' Icons
Just think of ALL the Icons the Amiga is restricted from using just becuase
the current datatype only supports a restricted set of what is available
and not ALL currently available Windows Icons
To be continued...Must dash...Sleep awaits...