(68000, 020/030, 040 and 060 versions inside)
(C) Copyright 1995-97 GPSoftware
(C) Copyright 1997-98 Andreas R. Kleinert
All rights reserved.
A 'Joint Venture' product of GPSoftware and PerSuaSiVe SoftWorX.
Needs Kickstart V3.x
Program information
FAXX.datatype is a datatype for reading the IFF-FAXX file format
as e.g. written by GPSoftware's GPFax software.
Supported output bitmap formats:
- picture.datatype V39-42:
o 2 color black and white images
- picture.datatype V43 (CyberGraphX or Picasso96) (*)
o 2 color black and white images
(*) the latter one works with OCS/ECS/AGA, too
FAXX.datatype is FREEWARE - feel free to send any comments :-)
See program archive for copyright and distribution information.