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(c) Copyright by Andreas Klingler 1988,1991
This program is freely distributable but is NOT public domain. It MAY NOT
be included in any commercial package, or sold for ANY amount, without
written permission from the author. However if may be included on any
freely distributable package, including packages for which a nominal
copying fee of no more than $5 is charged, as long as this copyright notice
keeps intact.
This software is distributed as-is, without any warranty.
Don`t blame me for any trouble this gets you into.
What`s it all about?
Every Amiga has a hardware build in to connect a lightpen to it. However
this feature is rarely used, so I decided to write a software to use a
lightpen just like you use the mouse. You even can use the mouse and a
lightpen simultaniously and your applications don`t notice any difference.
Unfortunately the resolution of the light pen registers is not very high
(vertical 1 non-interlaced scan line, horizontal 2 low-res pixels), but for
normal menu selections and gadget pressing it is more than sufficient.
Files in the distribution:
README - Guess what? You are reading this!
lp - Ready to go code
lp.info - Yes, you can start it from workbench, too
lp.c - SAS/C source
makefile- for SAS/C LMK
To use the handler
just plug in your lightpen in
Joyport 1 (the right one) on an A2000
Joyport 0 (the front one) on an A1000
and start the program from CLI or Workbench (you don`t need to RUN it). To
remove the handler just run it again. If you start it from the CLI it
gives some output on what`s going on. KS 2.0 should be no problem. As you
may have noticed there is a difference between the A1000 and the A2000 (and
the other Amigas?): On the A1000 you have to plug the lightpen in the same
port the mouse goes. To be still able to use the mouse you should first
run a program which attaches the mouse to the other port.
(However buttonsupport is hardwired for port1, but you can change it
to port0 in the source)
Contents of util/sys/Lightpen.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 1174 2293 51.2% -lh5- 687d Mar 6 2001 Lightpen/Lightpen.readme
[generic] 1883 2996 62.9% -lh5- 97d0 Mar 6 2001 Lightpen/lp
[generic] 3372 8348 40.4% -lh5- 184f Mar 6 2001 Lightpen/lp.c
[generic] 110 254 43.3% -lh5- 8548 Mar 6 2001 Lightpen/lp.info
[generic] 207 269 77.0% -lh5- a672 Mar 6 2001 Lightpen/makefile
[generic] 2048 4145 49.4% -lh5- 6939 Mar 6 2001 Lightpen/README
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 6 files 8794 18305 48.0% Mar 12 2001
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