84766 packages online
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Short: | ReAction based icon information (1.18) |
Author: | "Stephan Rupprecht" stephan.rupprecht gmx.de |
Uploader: | stephan rupprecht gmx de |
Type: | util/sys |
Architecture: | m68k-amigaos |
Date: | 2000-09-05 |
Requires: | OS3.5, 020+ cpu |
Download: | util/sys/RAWBInfo.lha - View contents | Readme: | util/sys/RAWBInfo.readme |
Downloads: | 1200 |
1.18 when retrieving the version information of a program fails, rawbinfo
will you show a localized error message (if possible). the size gadget
of "disk" windows will be updated during calculation, again. RAWBinfo
will close all its windows if you click on the closegadget of one of
them while holding down the right command/AMIGA® key <opi>. All
windows react to "disk/file/drawer/.info changes", now. This means
(for an example), if you change a .info file, the information
window that belongs to this file will be updated to reflect the
options. clicking on the zoom gadget will resize the window to
the size of the currently _visible_ part of the (autoscroll) screen.
============================= Archive contents =============================
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
2852 1407 50.6% 30-Apr-00 18:24:44 +rawbinfo.catalog
5092 2321 54.4% 30-Apr-00 18:24:44 +rawbinfo_cat.ct
2936 1447 50.7% 01-Sep-00 12:15:10 +rawbinfo.catalog
1802 963 46.5% 30-Apr-00 18:24:44 +rawbinfo-es.ct
2406 1185 50.7% 30-Apr-00 18:24:44 +rawbinfo.catalog
3344 1613 51.7% 26-Aug-00 23:59:46 +RAWBInfo.catalog
6338 2783 56.0% 26-Aug-00 23:58:28 +RAWBInfo.ct
1506 805 46.5% 30-Apr-00 18:24:44 +RAWBInfo.catalog
2668 1367 48.7% 30-Apr-00 18:24:44 +RAWBInfo.ct
3024 1440 52.3% 14-May-80 11:14:24 +RAWBInfo.catalog
5897 2509 57.4% 14-May-80 11:00:24 +rawbinfo.ct
2532 1306 48.4% 30-Apr-00 18:24:44 +RAWBInfo.français.ct
3280 1584 51.7% 28-Aug-00 12:00:58 +RAWBInfo.catalog
673 417 38.0% 11-Aug-00 20:18:34 +RAWBInfo.it.-catalog.doc
673 417 38.0% 28-Aug-00 12:00:58 +RAWBInfo_it_catalog.doc
3050 1518 50.2% 29-Jun-00 10:57:48 +rawbinfo.catalog
2610 1281 50.9% 07-Jun-00 15:14:42 +rawbinfo.catalog
5600 2427 56.6% 18-May-00 18:23:52 +rawbinfo.ct
4496 1774 60.5% 01-Sep-00 12:14:50 +rawbinfo.cd
2528 1339 47.0% 30-Apr-00 18:24:44 +rawbinfo.catalog
2584 1252 51.5% 01-Jun-00 16:42:00 +rawbinfo.catalog
1250 674 46.0% 30-Apr-00 18:24:44 +rawbinfo.catalog
2798 1439 48.5% 20-Jun-00 13:30:40 +rawbinfo.catalog
5889 2719 53.8% 20-Jun-00 13:30:34 +rawbinfo.ct
2067 930 55.0% 13-Jun-00 16:56:34 +Install
1434 1178 17.8% 27-Jul-00 12:15:54 +Install.info
41020 23872 41.8% 01-Sep-00 12:16:44 +rawbinfo
12801 5501 57.0% 01-Sep-00 13:02:10 +RAWBInfo.doc
1726 1344 22.1% 27-Jul-00 12:15:54 +RAWBInfo.doc.info
1608 1414 12.0% 27-Jul-00 12:15:54 +rawbinfo.info
673 417 38.0% 14-Jun-80 23:14:04 +RAWBInfo.it.doc
6005 2790 53.5% 27-Jul-00 12:15:54 +RAWBInfo.it.doc.info
17230 6678 61.2% 26-Aug-00 23:56:58 +RAWBInfo_español.doc
1726 1345 22.0% 27-Jul-00 12:15:54 +RAWBInfo_español.doc.info
14373 5754 59.9% 27-Aug-80 21:42:26 +RAWBInfo_italian.doc
1726 1336 22.5% 27-Aug-80 20:28:38 +RAWBInfo_italian.doc.info
772 597 22.6% 13-Jun-00 16:51:20 +wbinfo
1650 1328 19.5% 27-Jul-00 12:15:54 RAWBInfo.info
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
180639 90471 49.9% 01-Sep-00 13:04:04 38 files
Contents of util/sys/RAWBInfo.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 1407 2852 49.3% -lh5- bd62 Apr 30 2000 RAWBInfo/catalogs/català
[generic] 2321 5092 45.6% -lh5- 24f3 Apr 30 2000 RAWBInfo/catalogs/català
[generic] 1447 2936 49.3% -lh5- 994a Sep 1 2000 RAWBInfo/catalogs/deutsch/rawbinfo.catalog
[generic] 963 1802 53.4% -lh5- 78b4 Apr 30 2000 RAWBInfo/catalogs/español/alt/rawbinfo-es.ct
[generic] 1185 2406 49.3% -lh5- 3524 Apr 30 2000 RAWBInfo/catalogs/español/alt/rawbinfo.catalog
[generic] 1613 3344 48.2% -lh5- 5c26 Aug 26 2000 RAWBInfo/catalogs/español/RAWBInfo.catalog
[generic] 2783 6338 43.9% -lh5- aa87 Aug 26 2000 RAWBInfo/catalogs/español/RAWBInfo.ct
[generic] 805 1506 53.5% -lh5- b892 Apr 30 2000 RAWBInfo/catalogs/français/alt/RAWBInfo.catalog
[generic] 1367 2668 51.2% -lh5- 1b2a Apr 30 2000 RAWBInfo/catalogs/français/alt/RAWBInfo.ct
[generic] 1440 3024 47.6% -lh5- 5d8c May 14 1980 RAWBInfo/catalogs/français/RAWBInfo.catalog
[generic] 2509 5897 42.5% -lh5- b11f May 14 1980 RAWBInfo/catalogs/français/rawbinfo.ct
[generic] 1306 2532 51.6% -lh5- 1c2c Apr 30 2000 RAWBInfo/catalogs/français/RAWBInfo.français.ct
[generic] 1584 3280 48.3% -lh5- 701c Aug 28 2000 RAWBInfo/catalogs/italiano/RAWBInfo.catalog
[generic] 417 673 62.0% -lh5- 2fa9 Aug 11 2000 RAWBInfo/catalogs/italiano/RAWBInfo.it.-catalog.doc
[generic] 417 673 62.0% -lh5- a725 Aug 28 2000 RAWBInfo/catalogs/italiano/RAWBInfo_it_catalog.doc
[generic] 1518 3050 49.8% -lh5- 1500 Jun 29 2000 RAWBInfo/catalogs/norsk/rawbinfo.catalog
[generic] 1281 2610 49.1% -lh5- 24b6 Jun 7 2000 RAWBInfo/catalogs/português/rawbinfo.catalog
[generic] 2427 5600 43.3% -lh5- 2034 May 18 2000 RAWBInfo/catalogs/português/rawbinfo.ct
[generic] 1774 4496 39.5% -lh5- 5321 Sep 1 2000 RAWBInfo/catalogs/rawbinfo.cd
[generic] 1339 2528 53.0% -lh5- e57d Apr 30 2000 RAWBInfo/catalogs/russian/rawbinfo.catalog
[generic] 1252 2584 48.5% -lh5- 1705 Jun 1 2000 RAWBInfo/catalogs/suomi/rawbinfo.catalog
[generic] 674 1250 53.9% -lh5- ce8e Apr 30 2000 RAWBInfo/catalogs/svenska/rawbinfo.catalog
[generic] 1439 2798 51.4% -lh5- f095 Jun 20 2000 RAWBInfo/catalogs/türkçe/rawbinfo.catalog
[generic] 2719 5889 46.2% -lh5- e76c Jun 20 2000 RAWBInfo/catalogs/türkçe/rawbinfo.ct
[generic] 930 2067 45.0% -lh5- 5fe0 Jun 13 2000 RAWBInfo/Install
[generic] 1178 1434 82.1% -lh5- ef2e Jul 27 2000 RAWBInfo/Install.info
[generic] 23872 41020 58.2% -lh5- e8e2 Sep 1 2000 RAWBInfo/rawbinfo
[generic] 5501 12801 43.0% -lh5- a429 Sep 1 2000 RAWBInfo/RAWBInfo.doc
[generic] 1344 1726 77.9% -lh5- 2d83 Jul 27 2000 RAWBInfo/RAWBInfo.doc.info
[generic] 1414 1608 87.9% -lh5- d9d1 Jul 27 2000 RAWBInfo/rawbinfo.info
[generic] 417 673 62.0% -lh5- 2fa9 Jun 14 1980 RAWBInfo/RAWBInfo.it.doc
[generic] 2790 6005 46.5% -lh5- 6a9a Jul 27 2000 RAWBInfo/RAWBInfo.it.doc.info
[generic] 6678 17230 38.8% -lh5- 5017 Aug 26 2000 RAWBInfo/RAWBInfo_español.doc
[generic] 1345 1726 77.9% -lh5- 30dd Jul 27 2000 RAWBInfo/RAWBInfo_español.doc.info
[generic] 5754 14373 40.0% -lh5- 279a Aug 27 1980 RAWBInfo/RAWBInfo_italian.doc
[generic] 1336 1726 77.4% -lh5- 6fb8 Aug 27 1980 RAWBInfo/RAWBInfo_italian.doc.info
[generic] 597 772 77.3% -lh5- 9767 Jun 13 2000 RAWBInfo/wbinfo
[generic] 1328 1650 80.5% -lh5- 7feb Jul 27 2000 RAWBInfo.info
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 38 files 90471 180639 50.1% Sep 4 2000
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