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Short: | AmigaDOS info command replacement (39.18b) |
Author: | "Stephan Rupprecht" stephan.rupprecht gmx.de |
Uploader: | stephan rupprecht gmx de |
Type: | util/sys |
Architecture: | m68k-amigaos |
Date: | 2000-04-22 |
Download: | util/sys/info.lha - View contents | Readme: | util/sys/info.readme |
Downloads: | 1429 |
Info is a replacement for the original AmigaDOS 'info' command.
In opposite to other info commands, this version does not cause
any deadlocks. You can select if you want only information about
disks or volumes or even selected devices. Another advantage is
that the columns 'size' and 'used' are printed no longer in blocks,
but in KBytes, MBytes or even in GBytes, so you don't have to
know how long a block actually is on a specific device. Info uses
64bit math-functions to make sure that every calculation is correct.
For volumes the creation date is printed additionally. Another feature
is that info outputs the disktype (eg. MSDOS, OFS...) of each volume.
The locale.library is supported now, several catalog files are already
included into the archive.
39.18 removed a newly introduced enforcer hit (long read from $8) <dhomas trenn>.
fixed y2k bug in the $VER: string. removed another enforcer hit
when an invalid pattern was passed to the program.
39.18a included finnish catalog by Petri Koistinen.
39.18b new spanish doc and catalog. Thanks to Javier de las Rivas for
his work.
============================= Archive contents =============================
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
1421 772 45.6% 06-Sep-99 14:02:08 +info_català.ct
592 380 35.8% 06-Sep-99 14:02:08 +info_com.catalog
572 407 28.8% 06-Sep-99 14:02:08 +deutsch.ct
526 349 33.6% 06-Sep-99 14:02:08 +info_com.catalog
993 587 40.8% 12-Apr-00 22:17:56 +info.ct
514 322 37.3% 15-Apr-00 10:39:26 +info_com.catalog
448 302 32.5% 06-Sep-99 14:02:08 +info_com.catalog
396 307 22.4% 06-Sep-99 14:02:08 +info_com.catalog
1036 567 45.2% 06-Sep-99 14:02:08 +info.cd
462 303 34.4% 06-Sep-99 14:02:08 +info_com.catalog
336 235 30.0% 06-Sep-99 14:02:08 +info_com.catalog
410 288 29.7% 06-Sep-99 14:02:08 +info_com.catalog
572 365 36.1% 06-Sep-99 14:02:08 +Info_com.catalog
954 554 41.9% 06-Sep-99 14:02:08 +Info_com.ct
552 347 37.1% 01-Apr-00 13:01:40 +info_com.catalog
667 431 35.3% 01-Apr-00 13:01:40 +info_com.ct
356 258 27.5% 06-Sep-99 14:02:08 +info_com.catalog
4564 3021 33.8% 15-Mar-00 11:48:52 +info
8824 3991 54.7% 01-Apr-00 13:03:08 +Info.doc
7661 3631 52.6% 15-Mar-00 11:49:58 +Info.dok
10284 4771 53.6% 12-Apr-00 22:26:44 +Info_es.doc
4524 2964 34.4% 15-Mar-00 11:48:56 +info_v39
1248 505 59.5% 06-Sep-99 14:02:08 +Install
672 326 51.4% 06-Sep-99 14:02:08 +Install.info
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
48584 25983 46.5% 15-Apr-00 14:53:08 24 files
Contents of util/sys/info.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 772 1421 54.3% -lh5- aa5d Sep 6 1999 Info/Catalogs/catalàinfo_català.ct
[generic] 380 592 64.2% -lh5- b21f Sep 6 1999 Info/Catalogs/catalàinfo_com.catalog
[generic] 407 572 71.2% -lh5- 1bdd Sep 6 1999 Info/Catalogs/deutsch/deutsch.ct
[generic] 349 526 66.3% -lh5- 1ed9 Sep 6 1999 Info/Catalogs/deutsch/info_com.catalog
[generic] 587 993 59.1% -lh5- e0d8 Apr 12 2000 Info/Catalogs/español/info.ct
[generic] 322 514 62.6% -lh5- 3f36 Apr 15 2000 Info/Catalogs/español/info_com.catalog
[generic] 302 448 67.4% -lh5- 6ee9 Sep 6 1999 Info/Catalogs/français/info_com.catalog
[generic] 307 396 77.5% -lh5- d055 Sep 6 1999 Info/Catalogs/greek/info_com.catalog
[generic] 567 1036 54.7% -lh5- b28c Sep 6 1999 Info/Catalogs/info.cd
[generic] 303 462 65.6% -lh5- c65f Sep 6 1999 Info/Catalogs/italiano/info_com.catalog
[generic] 235 336 69.9% -lh5- e438 Sep 6 1999 Info/Catalogs/norsk/info_com.catalog
[generic] 288 410 70.2% -lh5- 97e3 Sep 6 1999 Info/Catalogs/polski/info_com.catalog
[generic] 365 572 63.8% -lh5- 85fb Sep 6 1999 Info/Catalogs/srpski/Info_com.catalog
[generic] 554 954 58.1% -lh5- d794 Sep 6 1999 Info/Catalogs/srpski/Info_com.ct
[generic] 347 552 62.9% -lh5- 4379 Apr 1 2000 Info/Catalogs/suomi/info_com.catalog
[generic] 431 667 64.6% -lh5- ed2e Apr 1 2000 Info/Catalogs/suomi/info_com.ct
[generic] 258 356 72.5% -lh5- fee3 Sep 6 1999 Info/Catalogs/svenska/info_com.catalog
[generic] 3021 4564 66.2% -lh5- 11bf Mar 15 2000 Info/info
[generic] 3991 8824 45.2% -lh5- c01a Apr 1 2000 Info/Info.doc
[generic] 3631 7661 47.4% -lh5- e35f Mar 15 2000 Info/Info.dok
[generic] 4771 10284 46.4% -lh5- 7afc Apr 12 2000 Info/Info_es.doc
[generic] 2964 4524 65.5% -lh5- c820 Mar 15 2000 Info/info_v39
[generic] 505 1248 40.5% -lh5- 169c Sep 6 1999 Info/Install
[generic] 326 672 48.5% -lh5- 4d8a Sep 6 1999 Info/Install.info
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 24 files 25983 48584 53.5% Apr 22 2000
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