84782 packages online


Showing: m68k-amigaos iconppc-amigaos iconppc-morphos iconi386-aros iconi386-amithlon iconppc-warpup iconppc-powerup icongeneric icon
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Found 27 matching packages
name: ^ version: path: dls: size: date: arch: desc:
amisounded.lha 0.12 mus/edit 8383 121K 2009-01-31 ppc-amigaos icon 32-bit mono/stereo sound editor - (readme)
amuidiff.lha 1.0b util/misc 2004 242K 2005-06-02 m68k-amigaos icon ppc-amigaos icon ppc-morphos icon Displays differences of two text files using MUI window - (readme)
CompareDirsItaCat.lha 1.0 util/cli 509 62K 2022-01-31 generic icon Italian catalog for CompareDirs v1.11 - (readme)
CompareDirs_OS4.lha 1.12 util/cli 1572 365K 2023-11-06 ppc-amigaos icon Compare two dirs for different files - (readme)
ftpd2_os4.lha 2.01 comm/net 941 240K 2008-05-24 ppc-amigaos icon FTPdaemon v2.0 for AmigaOS 4 - (readme)
FTPMount_os4.lha 1.5 comm/tcp 1617 580K 2006-12-03 ppc-amigaos icon Mounts FTP sites as a filesystem (+src) - (readme)
ispell-3.3.02-altamer.lha 3.3.02rx1 text/misc 584 1.6M 2008-02-03 generic icon Alt.american dictionary for ISpell 3.3.02 - (readme)
ispell-3.3.02-american.lha 3.3.02rx1 text/misc 558 1.7M 2008-02-03 generic icon American dictionary for ISpell 3.3.02 - (readme)
ispell-3.3.02-arexx-68k.lha 3.3.02-arexx text/misc 717 484K 2008-02-02 m68k-amigaos icon Spelling checker with ARexx port - (readme)
ispell-3.3.02-arexx-os4.lha 3.3.02-arexx text/misc 607 526K 2008-02-02 ppc-amigaos icon Spelling checker with ARexx port - (readme)
ispell-3.3.02-arexx-src.lha 3.3.02rx1 text/misc 868 391K 2008-02-03 generic icon Spelling checker with ARexx port (source) - (readme)
ispell-3.3.02-british.lha 3.3.02rx1 text/misc 659 1.7M 2008-02-03 generic icon British dictionary for ISpell 3.3.02 - (readme)
ispell-3.3.02-deutsch.lha 20071211 text/misc 618 863K 2008-02-14 generic icon German dictionary for ISpell 3.3.02 - (readme)
ispell-3.3.02-english.lha 3.3.02rx1 text/misc 634 1.6M 2008-02-03 generic icon English dictionary for ISpell 3.3.02 - (readme)
ispell-3.3.02-french.lha 3.3.02rx1 text/misc 587 438K 2008-02-03 generic icon French dictionary for ISpell 3.3.02 - (readme)
ispell-3.3.02-fr_FR.lha 1.1.6 text/misc 705 2.5M 2008-02-14 generic icon Alt. french dictionary for ISpell 3.3.02 - (readme)
ispell-3.3.02-polish.lha 3.3.02 text/misc 580 2.2M 2008-02-14 generic icon Polish dictionary for ISpell 3.3.02 - (readme)
libregex-4.4.3.lha 4.4.3 dev/lib 1476 70K 2007-07-30 ppc-amigaos icon libregex - Regular Expression library - (readme)
pftp_fr.lha 0.2 comm/tcp 895 49K 2008-03-05 generic icon French translation for Pete's FTP - (readme)
spatch_os4.lha 6.51 rel 4 dev/misc 1294 79K 2007-08-17 ppc-amigaos icon Clone of SAS Binary File Patcher w/src - (readme)
SpiderMonkey-js-os4-bin.lha 1.5-1 dev/lang 751 337K 2006-12-18 ppc-amigaos icon Mozilla JavaScript interpreter for CLI - (readme)
SpiderMonkey-js-os4-src.lha 1.5-1 dev/lang 849 1.2M 2006-12-18 generic icon Mozilla JavaScript interpreter - src - (readme)
swfplayer.lha 1.4b6 gfx/show 1756 1.2M 2005-09-22 m68k-amigaos icon ppc-amigaos icon ppc-warpup icon Standalone shockwave player for Amiga - (readme)
swfplayersrc.lha 1.3 gfx/show 613 473K 2004-01-04 generic icon Standalone player for Amiga (source) - (readme)
Tubexx-fr.lha 1.2 comm/misc 1002 10K 2008-02-26 generic icon Tubexx french catalog - (readme)
WaitNotify-os4.lha 1.2 util/cli 762 25K 2009-07-23 ppc-amigaos icon Wait for a file or diretory modification - (readme)
wbsudoku_fr.lha 1.5 game/board 1104 3K 2008-04-22 generic icon French catalog for WBSudoku v1.5 - (readme)
Found 27 matching packages
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