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This is version 2.0 of Eat The Whistle, it includes a lot of improvements to
the orignal game, expecially in the new PPC and 68k chunky versions. If you
have a fast 68k processor or a PPC these version, that use the CPU for all
the blitting, are faster than the classic one. These version also have better
AI, better goalkeepers and a lot of improvements. Look at the provided history
file for more infos!
ETW-PPC needs ppc.library V46+ and AHI V4+.
With ETW 2.0 (all the versions) you can also use the new ETW pitches, available
in aminet in the directory game/data.
This is a *FREE* upgrade, all you need to install it is the original
Eat The Whistle CD available from Epic Marketing.
Gabriele Greco gabry@promix.it
ETW WWW http://surf.to/etw
Hurricane Studios http://www.aspide.it/freeweb/hurricane
Epic Marketing http://www.epicmarketing.ltd.net
Contents of game/patch/ETW-CD20p.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 5316 13837 38.4% -lh5- d82e Apr 13 1999 EatTheWhistle.doc
[generic] 30843 50596 61.0% -lh5- 2b3e Apr 12 1999 etw.pch
[generic] 27952 46368 60.3% -lh5- 13cb Apr 12 1999 game.pch
[generic] 59367 97656 60.8% -lh5- 2652 Apr 18 1999 game_chunky.pch
[generic] 175276 424789 41.3% -lh5- ad25 Apr 18 1999 gameppc.pch
[generic] 4034 41018 9.8% -lh5- 4ece Jan 7 1999 newgfx/credits.gfx
[generic] 459 7682 6.0% -lh5- 9580 Jan 29 1999 newgfx/game.font
[generic] 1828 9580 19.1% -lh5- 441b Dec 29 1998 newgfx/gl.obj
[generic] 1816 9580 19.0% -lh5- d39d Dec 29 1998 newgfx/gls.obj
[generic] 2546 41018 6.2% -lh5- fd0d Mar 21 1999 newgfx/hurricane
[generic] 222 2402 9.2% -lh5- 5631 Jan 29 1999 newgfx/smallgame.font
[generic] 9285 14636 63.4% -lh5- db5d Nov 11 1993 spatch
[generic] 4757 21658 22.0% -lh5- 3d28 Mar 14 1999 teams/Austria98-99
[generic] 6607 27826 23.7% -lh5- 96e7 Nov 28 1998 teams/Belgium97-98
[generic] 6927 37078 18.7% -lh5- 0298 Mar 26 1999 teams/Brazil98-99
[generic] 9756 55582 17.6% -lh5- 5fac Nov 28 1998 teams/Croatia98-99
[generic] 4759 23200 20.5% -lh5- 7c09 Mar 14 1999 teams/Denmark98-99
[generic] 14648 67918 21.6% -lh5- acd0 Nov 28 1998 teams/England97-98
[generic] 3652 18574 19.7% -lh5- d8b5 Dec 12 1998 teams/Finland96-97
[generic] 14657 64834 22.6% -lh5- 7d42 Mar 14 1999 teams/France98-99
[generic] 15671 71002 22.1% -lh5- 433e Nov 28 1998 teams/Germany98-99
[generic] 12485 55582 22.5% -lh5- 5639 Nov 28 1998 teams/Holland97-98
[generic] 15998 75628 21.2% -lh5- 5813 Nov 28 1998 teams/Italy97-98
[generic] 16385 78712 20.8% -lh5- d602 Nov 28 1998 teams/Italy98-99
[generic] 3089 15490 19.9% -lh5- 5bb1 Mar 14 1999 teams/Latvia98-99
[generic] 7080 38620 18.3% -lh5- 7587 Nov 28 1998 teams/Portugal97-98
[generic] 7286 35536 20.5% -lh5- cd67 Nov 28 1998 teams/Russia98-99
[generic] 11871 61750 19.2% -lh5- a3d2 Nov 28 1998 teams/Scotland97-98
[generic] 16238 74086 21.9% -lh5- f6bf Mar 14 1999 teams/Spain98-99
[generic] 5507 24742 22.3% -lh5- 77ad Mar 14 1999 teams/Switzerland98-99
[generic] 7403 37078 20.0% -lh5- b65a Nov 28 1998 teams/Turkey97-98
[generic] 5653 27826 20.3% -lh5- 9b7f Mar 14 1999 teams/USA98-99
[generic] 2793 8962 31.2% -lh5- 5205 Apr 13 1999 Update-ETW
[generic] 694 1222 56.8% -lh5- 1aba Apr 18 1999 etwppc.readme
[generic] 1962 4005 49.0% -lh5- 6c88 Apr 18 1999 history.doc
[generic] 1187 2402 49.4% -lh5- 7af1 Apr 18 1999 EatTheWhistle.doc.info
[generic] 1187 2402 49.4% -lh5- cc90 Apr 18 1999 etwppc.readme.info
[generic] 1189 2402 49.5% -lh5- 35fc Apr 18 1999 History.doc.info
[generic] 1207 1904 63.4% -lh5- 6b50 Nov 23 1998 Update-ETW.info
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 39 files 519592 1695183 30.7% Apr 18 1999
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