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Found 188 matching packages
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name: v version: path: dls: size: date: arch: desc:
PSicon10.lha pix/nicon 288 304K 1999-01-03 generic icon AlotOfNewIcons for Parasol Star - (readme)
ProWB.lha pix/nicon 279 386K 1996-04-12 generic icon New NI-system Icons for 1280x512 WBs - (readme)
ProLite_Net.lha pix/nicon 444 74K 1996-09-17 generic icon ProLite style NewIcons for most NetApps. - (readme)
ProLite_Mlc.lha pix/nicon 408 130K 1999-01-29 generic icon A very cool NewIcons set for ProWBLite. - (readme)
ProLite_Misc.lha pix/nicon 581 488K 1997-10-02 generic icon ProLite style NewIcons for many apps. - (readme)
ProLite_Apps.lha pix/nicon 387 62K 1997-01-29 generic icon ProLite style NewIcons for many apps. - (readme)
ProLite.lha pix/nicon 627 452K 1996-08-24 generic icon Great new NewIconsV3 optimised icon set. - (readme)
PPIcon1.lha pix/nicon 352 323K 1997-10-11 generic icon Collection icon in NewIcons style - (readme)
PowerTowerIcon.lha pix/nicon 301 1K 2002-05-25 generic icon Power Tower Newicon - (readme)
Postal_Icons.lha V1.0 pix/nicon 509 165K 2002-07-12 generic icon Postal Newicons [by cYbo] - (readme)
pl_TMBrushes.lha pix/nicon 346 92K 1998-01-09 generic icon Tiny docks for use with TinyMeter - (readme)
PGS_NIcon.lha 1.0 pix/nicon 323 2K 1996-10-14 generic icon PageStream 3.x NewIcon icon - (readme)
pcs-sf_icons.lha pix/nicon 282 73K 1996-07-09 generic icon 16 colour, greyscale SF Newicons - (readme)
pcs-misc_icons.lha pix/nicon 320 74K 1996-08-04 generic icon More 16 colour greyscale Newicons. Plus! Girish Nath\'s OS4 icons - (readme)
PalmIcons.lha pix/nicon 236 11K 1999-09-04 generic icon PalmPilot Icons - (readme)
Pack002-4NI.lha pix/nicon 423 526K 1998-06-15 generic icon A lot of NewIcons with templates - (readme)
Pack001-4NI.lha pix/nicon 324 44K 1997-12-21 generic icon More Icons for NewIcons v4, DOC in Spanish - (readme)
OS3.5GamIcons4.lha 4 pix/nicon 292 95K 2000-06-07 generic icon OS3.5 icons for games pack 4 - (readme)
OS3.5GamIcons3.lha 3 pix/nicon 256 193K 2000-05-30 generic icon OS3.5 icons for games pack 3 - (readme)
OS3.5GamIcons2.lha 2 pix/nicon 274 139K 2000-05-17 generic icon OS3.5 icons for games pack 2 - (readme)
OS3.5GamIcons1.lha 1 pix/nicon 284 37K 2000-05-03 generic icon OS3.5 icons for games pack 1 - (readme)
OpusNIbar.lha pix/nicon 340 107K 1999-08-19 generic icon Directory Opus 5.5+ Toolbar NewIcons RELEASE 7 - (readme)
OptyNewIcons.lha pix/nicon 283 13K 1997-02-09 generic icon NewIcons pack for OptyCDPlayer ! :) - (readme)
obiwanNI2.lha pix/nicon 310 39K 1997-03-06 generic icon My second set of NewIcons - (readme)
obiwanNI.lha pix/nicon 317 7K 1996-11-29 generic icon Newicon Dock Images based on AESIcons - (readme)
NLeapIcons01.lha pix/nicon 302 458K 1998-08-28 generic icon The POS icons (in newicon version) - (readme)
NI_wod10.lha pix/nicon 250 109K 1999-03-20 generic icon AlotOfNewIcons for WRATH OF THE DEMON +MWB - (readme)
NI_rdl10.lha 1.0 pix/nicon 321 552K 2000-04-08 generic icon AlotOfNewIcons for RODLAND +MagicWB - (readme)
NI_rbi10.lha pix/nicon 280 70K 1999-03-20 generic icon AlotOfNewIcons for RAINBOW ISLANDS +MagicWB - (readme)
NI_pww11.lha 1.1 pix/nicon 301 680K 2000-04-08 generic icon AlotOfNewIcons for POWERMONGER WW1 +Mwb - (readme)
NI_pss10.lha 1.0 pix/nicon 318 304K 2000-04-08 generic icon AlotOfNewIcons for Parasol Star - (readme)
NI_pow10.lha 1.0 pix/nicon 346 586K 2000-04-08 generic icon AlotOfNewIcons for POWERMONGER +MagicWB - (readme)
NI_i5010.lha pix/nicon 265 92K 1999-03-20 generic icon AlotOfNewIcons for INDIANAPOLIS 500 +MWB - (readme)
NI_g-i10.lha 1.0 pix/nicon 279 429K 2000-04-08 generic icon AlotOfNewIcons for ISLONA&GUILDHALL GAMES - (readme)
NI_dyn10.lha 1.0 pix/nicon 222 182K 2000-05-03 generic icon AlotOfOS35Icons for DYNABLASTER +NIcons - (readme)
NI_b_s10.lha 1.0 pix/nicon 309 214K 2000-04-09 generic icon AlotOfNewIcons for BUBBLE & SQUEAK +Glow+HDinst! - (readme)
NIvroom.lha 1.0 pix/nicon 209 4K 1997-12-19 generic icon NewIcon set for \"Vroom Multiplayer93\" - (readme)
NIinBeStyle.lha pix/nicon 285 267K 1997-12-03 generic icon BeIcons for NewIconsV3+ - (readme)
ni4dock.lha pix/nicon 476 214K 1996-11-29 generic icon Newicons for toolmanager docks - (readme)
NI.BlitzSet.lha pix/nicon 308 9K 1997-05-24 generic icon A set of NewIcons for Blitz Basic - (readme)
NI-WinIcons01.lha pix/nicon 259 43K 1998-02-16 generic icon Re-done NewIcons for the WinIconz1 archive - (readme)
NI-V2.lha pix/nicon 385 167K 1995-10-30 generic icon Second Generation NewIcons - (readme)
NI-SailorMoon.lha pix/nicon 305 8K 2003-07-21 generic icon Anime/Manga NewIcons: Sailor Moon - (readme)
NI-pww10.lha pix/nicon 296 109K 1999-01-17 generic icon AlotOfNewIcons for POWERMONGER WW1 +MagicWB - (readme)
NI-pow10.lha pix/nicon 337 586K 1999-01-17 generic icon AlotOfNewIcons for POWERMONGER +MagicWB - (readme)
NI-Backdrop_06.lha pix/nicon 487 379K 1995-07-07 generic icon Backdrops for NewIcons Workbench - (readme)
NI-Backdrop_05.lha pix/nicon 446 313K 1995-07-07 generic icon Backdrops for NewIcons Workbench - (readme)
NI-Backdrop_04.lha pix/nicon 443 298K 1995-07-06 generic icon Backdrops for NewIcons Workbench - (readme)
NI-Backdrop_03.lha pix/nicon 462 395K 1995-07-06 generic icon Backdrops for NewIcons Workbench - (readme)
NI-Backdrop_02.lha pix/nicon 556 362K 1995-07-06 generic icon Backdrops for NewIcons Workbench - (readme)
Found 188 matching packages
1 >2< 3 4
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