84794 packages online


Showing: m68k-amigaos iconppc-amigaos iconppc-morphos iconi386-aros iconi386-amithlon iconppc-warpup iconppc-powerup icongeneric icon
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Found 247 matching packages
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name: ^ version: path: dls: size: date: arch: desc:
2b_TKSearch.lha util/cli 7465 25K 1999-05-18 ppc-powerup icon Find pattern in text files (PPC & 68k) V0.7 - (readme)
Aaf.lha 1.1 misc/emu 11810 18K 2000-02-03 ppc-powerup icon Unpacks Apple archives 68k/PPC/Wos - (readme)
ac3dec.lha 0.82 mus/play 9991 73K 2000-12-05 ppc-powerup icon AC3 (Dolby Digital) audio decoder - (readme)
ADFLibPPC.lha disk/misc 8341 239K 1999-05-30 ppc-powerup icon ADFLib and UnADF Amiga binaries (PPC) - (readme)
Adom_PPC.lha 1.1.1 PPC game/role 6824 1.4M 2002-11-24 ppc-powerup icon Ancient Domains Of Mystery V1.1.1 (PPC) - (readme)
akDT-Key.lha util/dtype 8441 1K 2002-07-07 ppc-powerup icon Free keyfile for akJFIF/PNG/TIFF (before 45.x) - (readme)
Alt2Koi8.lha text/misc 5319 19K 2000-02-03 ppc-powerup icon Convert russian ALT > KOI8 (68k/PPc/Wos) - (readme)
AmigaAMP-Decoder-PUP.lha 2.20 mus/play 7853 88K 2009-03-08 ppc-powerup icon AmigaAMP: Enhanced PUP decoding engine - (readme)
AmigaVGBPPC.lha misc/emu 1168 176K 1999-05-10 ppc-powerup icon Rev7: FASTEST Gameboy-emulator for PPC+CGX - (readme)
AmiSOX3.3PPC.lha 3.3ppc mus/edit 7586 137K 1998-08-18 ppc-powerup icon AmiSOX3.3 Compiled for PPC (PowerUp) - (readme)
AmiTiMiDity.lha release3 mus/midi 8435 30M 2009-04-07 ppc-powerup icon Plays MIDI files without additional hardware - (readme)
AMP012b.lha gfx/show 6494 68K 1998-12-08 ppc-powerup icon MPEG1/2 player for PPC, very fast! v0.12b - (readme)
AngbandPPC.lha 2.8.3 game/role 6522 910K 1998-11-26 ppc-powerup icon AngbandPPC 2.8.3 - a solo RPG, similar to Rogue/Moria - (readme)
Apdf_ppc.lha 2.2 gfx/show 7104 330K 2000-04-10 ppc-powerup icon PDF doc. viewer, PPC (PowerUp or emulation) - (readme)
arcPPC.lha util/arc 6597 301K 1998-08-29 ppc-powerup icon Arc 5.21 (PPC), including source - (readme)
ArtProUp32.lha 3.2 gfx/misc 5360 672K 2000-05-31 ppc-powerup icon Update for ArtStudioPro V3.2 Rev5 - (readme)
ascii2jascii.lha 1.1m text/misc 5546 67K 2006-08-16 ppc-powerup icon Convert ASCII to Japanese ASCII - (readme)
ASuperLottoPPC.lha 0.94 misc/misc 4752 84K 2001-12-17 ppc-powerup icon V0.94-SuperEnalotto for Amiga! - (readme)
AsyncIOPPCdev.lha dev/c 881 5K 2000-07-23 ppc-powerup icon Use asyncio.library under PPC (PUP/GCC) - (readme)
awin.lha 1.0.13 dev/c 1101 216K 1999-05-11 ppc-powerup icon Easy-to-use API for RTG chunky display - (readme)
B2G.lha 1.2u text/misc 5097 47K 2000-02-03 ppc-powerup icon Converts Big5 <-> GuoBiao (68k/PPC/Wos) - (readme)
base64.lha util/arc 6698 33K 1998-08-29 ppc-powerup icon Base64 (68k+PPC), including source - (readme)
BestRandom.lha dev/c 792 28K 2000-06-01 ppc-powerup icon Best Random Number Generator (PPC+68k) - (readme)
Big5-CNS.lha text/misc 4977 41K 2000-02-03 ppc-powerup icon Converts Big5-CNS (chinese) 68k/Ppc/Wos - (readme)
bignum.lha dev/c 732 34K 2000-05-30 ppc-powerup icon BigNum package (PPC+68k) - (readme)
BlurPlugin.lha 1.1 mus/play 802 14K 1999-12-06 ppc-powerup icon Graphical effect plugin for AmigaAMP - (readme)
Boo-Utils.lha util/cli 673 30K 2000-02-03 ppc-powerup icon MakeBoo & DeBoo on Amy (68k/Ppc/Wos) - (readme)
ByteMark68kPPC.lha util/moni 1101 231K 1998-04-14 ppc-powerup icon BYTE magazine benchmarks: 68k+PPC Amiga - (readme)
bzip2.lha 0.9.5d util/arc 5850 244K 1999-12-15 ppc-powerup icon File compressor for 68k/PowerUp/WarpOS - (readme)
CandyFX.lha 1.0 gfx/edit 5100 6K 1999-04-13 ppc-powerup icon New Effects for CandyPro - (readme)
candyPPC.lha 1.54b gfx/edit 5510 392K 1998-03-12 ppc-powerup icon Interactively create cool (web)graphics - (readme)
CandyPro103b.lha gfx/edit 5284 747K 2000-09-11 ppc-powerup icon Update CandyFactoryPro V1.03b (15.12.99) - (readme)
CandyProDemo.lha gfx/edit 5791 2.8M 1998-12-03 ppc-powerup icon CandyFactoryPro demo version - (readme)
CandyProUpdate.lha gfx/edit 5119 449K 1998-11-25 ppc-powerup icon Update for CandyFactoryPro Rev2 (24.11.98) - (readme)
CapacitorOfTheBeast.lha 1.0 demo/intro 1215 21M 2017-12-02 ppc-powerup icon Promo Intro for Capacitor Party 2017 - (readme)
Cathedral.lha 1.32 mus/misc 832 123K 2003-03-09 ppc-powerup icon Reverb. 16-bit,MUI,68k/PPC, non-realtime - (readme)
cbspeccy_v025b.lha misc/emu 2379 173K 1999-05-27 ppc-powerup icon ZX-Spectrum128k emulator + TR-DOS v0.25b - (readme)
CDCat30.lha disk/cdrom 5725 404K 1999-02-22 ppc-powerup icon (Aminet-)CDROM cataloger,MUI/Locale/XPK - (readme)
cext.lha 1.3 util/cli 649 32K 1998-06-03 ppc-powerup icon Cli utility to change/renumber/delete filename extentions. - (readme)
ChngPPCTaskPri.lha util/cli 638 5K 1998-06-03 ppc-powerup icon Cli tool to change the pri of a PPC task - (readme)
codegroup.lha util/arc 761 39K 1998-08-29 ppc-powerup icon Codegroup (68k+PPC), including source - (readme)
crcPPC.lha dev/c 688 71K 1998-08-29 ppc-powerup icon Fast CRC tools & sources (PPC+68k) - (readme)
CreateMPEG1_1.lha 1.0 gfx/misc 609 108K 1998-02-26 ppc-powerup icon CreateMpeg MPEG Video Encoder - (readme)
Cyberstorm-SCSI_44-38.lha 44.38 driver/media 5432 184K 1998-02-26 ppc-powerup icon Cyberstorm PPC/MK3 SCSI Update - (readme)
Cyrillic2Latin.lha 1.1 text/misc 402 16K 2000-02-06 ppc-powerup icon Cyrillic to latin filter (68k/Ppc/Wos) - (readme)
ddiver.lha 0.1 util/dir 5921 27K 1998-06-09 ppc-powerup icon Search for files. - (readme)
DeMimePPC.lha util/arc 741 20K 1998-08-29 ppc-powerup icon DeMime (including source) for PPC - (readme)
DhrystonePPC.lha util/moni 741 41K 1997-12-21 ppc-powerup icon Dhrystone2.1 compiled for PowerUp - (readme)
DiamondPPC.lha demo/aga 628 2.0M 1999-02-26 ppc-powerup icon Diamond Quest PPC - UKONX - (Volcanic99) - (readme)
DictSqueeze.lha text/misc 397 27K 2000-02-03 ppc-powerup icon Squeeze/UnSqueeze wordlist (68k/Ppc/Wos) - (readme)
Found 247 matching packages
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