84782 packages online


Showing: m68k-amigaos iconppc-amigaos iconppc-morphos iconi386-aros iconi386-amithlon iconppc-warpup iconppc-powerup icongeneric icon
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name: ^ version: path: dls: size: date: arch: desc:
Amoric_src.lha 1.5 misc/emu 1315 149K 2017-03-06 generic icon Amoric source code - (readme)
AmosBlitz_src.lha dev/blitz 8615 125K 1999-09-01 m68k-amigaos icon AMOS and BLITZ sources for some tools & games - (readme)
amp2-mos_src.lha AMP2-BETA (040705) gfx/show 6491 530K 2006-08-09 generic icon AmiDog's Movie Player 2 (MorphOS sources) - (readme)
AMPhone191_src.lha v1.9.1 (02.01.99) comm/tcp 767 5K 1999-01-02 m68k-amigaos icon Source of AMPhone191.lha - (readme)
amrss_src.lha 5.42 comm/www 4342 243K 2020-01-26 generic icon amrss - MorphOS RSS client, source code - (readme)
AmSp4E.lha 2.05 dev/e 679 46K 1999-07-22 m68k-amigaos icon Display AMOS Bobs for AmigaE (+ src). - (readme)
AmyBoardSrc.lha 330.5 game/board 6160 351K 1995-08-15 m68k-amigaos icon GNU Chess frontend and ICS client - (readme)
AmySTP16c_src.lha util/arc 6412 20K 1999-01-10 m68k-amigaos icon UU Encode/Decode replacement with source - (readme)
AnalyRimSrc.lha biz/spread 8017 661K 1992-01-30 generic icon Integration of AnalytiCalc and RIM-5 - (readme)
Annotate_src.lha 3.0.1 text/edit 7979 388K 2012-12-03 generic icon Text Editor with adv. features (source) - (readme)
anoid.lha game/misc 2816 173K 1999-02-24 m68k-amigaos icon Breakout in HAM (2000+ colors!) with src - (readme) 0.37 text/misc 1502 442K 2007-01-01 generic icon Source code for Antiword - (readme)
Antiword_Src.lha 0.32 (05 Oct 2001) text/misc 4847 259K 2001-11-14 generic icon Source of antiword amiga port. - (readme)
Apdf_src.lha 2.2 gfx/show 6898 1.1M 2000-04-10 generic icon Source code of Apdf - (readme)
Apex-src.lha 1.8 misc/emu 892 337K 2002-10-05 m68k-amigaos icon Apex for the Amiga - (readme)
apg-source.lha 2.3.0b-2 util/crypt 5393 184K 2014-11-23 generic icon An automated password generator (src) - (readme)
Apple2000v13_src.lha 1.3 misc/emu 1501 119K 2017-05-08 generic icon Apple2000v1.3 source code - (readme)
Apple2DiskServ_src.lha 1.0 misc/emu 1058 16K 2017-03-01 m68k-amigaos icon Apple ][ DiskServer OS2.0+ source code - (readme)
april-src.lha 1.08 SAS comm/fido 6275 384K 1999-10-14 generic icon April V1.08 SAS source code release - (readme)
APT-WBOpen11.lha 1.1 util/cli 6279 14K 2000-09-04 m68k-amigaos icon Use CLI/req. to open WB-drawers/files (w/asm src.) - (readme) 1.0 mus/play 620 124K 2008-03-27 generic icon Source code for MP3 player ARAMP - (readme)
arcanoid_src.lha 2.9a game/wb 6833 164K 1998-08-09 generic icon Asm source code to MiniArcanoid - (readme)
areaExample.lha dev/src 6973 12K 1993-06-28 m68k-amigaos icon Docs for area functions. (guide+src) - (readme)
Arename.lha util/cli 6295 11K 2000-06-15 m68k-amigaos icon V1.0 Create rename/un scripts num-orderd +src - (readme)
ARes_src.lha 1.0 dev/lib 6430 73K 2017-05-31 generic icon ARes source code - (readme)
ARoff_src.lha 1.30 text/print 5045 48K 2017-05-31 generic icon ARoff source code - (readme)
aros-texlive-src.tar.bz2 20080216 text/tex 1127 36M 2008-02-18 generic icon TeXlive sources - (readme)
arud220.lha util/misc 785 29K 1995-11-15 m68k-amigaos icon Rename multiple files w/src (anims etc.) - (readme)
asciiportal.src-aros.tgz 1.2c game/think 670 9.7M 2012-09-17 generic icon ASCIIpOrtal sources - (readme) 1.1 util/misc 772 5K 2008-04-21 generic icon print ascii-table in diff. modes (src) - (readme)
asjoCookieBox.lha util/misc 772 12K 1994-04-26 m68k-amigaos icon Random cookie display programs. Src included. - (readme)
AsmCourseSrc1.lha dev/asm 7162 301K 1998-03-09 m68k-amigaos icon Assembler intro sources plus ALL tools - (readme) 1.18 dev/asm 4923 720K 2012-04-06 m68k-amigaos icon Asm-Pro mc680x0 macro assembler (+source) - (readme)
ASMPro1.21src.lha 1.21 dev/asm 477 791K 2024-12-22 generic icon ASM-Pro v1.21 source code - (readme)
AsmTools.lha util/cli 6171 20K 1987-06-03 m68k-amigaos icon Some CLI type tools in assembly (+src) - (readme)
assaultcube-src-aros.tar.gz game/actio 3139 758K 2011-06-24 generic icon AssaultCube 3D game source codes - (readme)
assignerpro_src.lha 1.0f util/misc 1396 15K 2017-10-10 generic icon assignerpro source code - (readme)
ast44pl5-src.lha misc/misc 4598 361K 1995-08-12 m68k-amigaos icon Amiga port of Astrolog (Version 4.40) - (readme)
ASweeperSrc106.lha 1.06ß dev/basic 5910 24K 2001-01-24 m68k-amigaos icon Source for AGA Workbench MineSweeper V1.06 - (readme)
ATbl_src.lha 3.00 util/misc 1328 53K 2017-05-31 generic icon ATbl source code - (readme)
atoms_halibut_src.lha 1.0 game/think 1236 230K 2017-04-07 generic icon Atoms (Halibut) source code - (readme)
ATPatch.lha misc/emu 1024 4K 1987-04-03 m68k-amigaos icon Patch Amiga Transformer for 1.2, C src. - (readme)
AudioEvolution320_src.lha 3.20 mus/edit 996 351K 2023-08-08 generic icon Multitrack audio application (source) - (readme)
AudioEvolution3_src.lha 3.20 mus/edit 5695 317K 2011-08-14 generic icon Multitrack audio application - (readme)
AUSH_src.lha 3.17 util/shell 5543 104K 2017-05-31 generic icon AUSH source code - (readme)
autoconf-src.lha 2.12 dev/gg 6944 330K 1998-03-16 m68k-amigaos icon GNU automatic configuration generator. V2.12 - (readme)
automake-src.lha 1.2 dev/gg 6058 286K 1998-03-16 m68k-amigaos icon GNU automatic makefile generator. V1.2 - (readme)
availmem2.lha util/cdity 5490 56K 1997-08-22 m68k-amigaos icon Commodity that displays free mem/w src - (readme)
avp.src-aros.lha game/shoot 1165 4.4M 2012-06-11 generic icon Aliens vs Predator source - (readme)
avp.src-morphos.lha 1.00 game/shoot 1337 9.3M 2013-10-14 generic icon Aliens versus Predator for MorphOS (sourcecode) - (readme)
Found 1108 matching packages
1 2 >3< 4 5 ... 19 20 21 22 23
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