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Showing: m68k-amigaos iconppc-amigaos iconppc-morphos iconi386-aros iconi386-amithlon iconppc-warpup iconppc-powerup icongeneric icon
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name: ^ version: path: dls: size: date: arch: desc:
040anim.lha pix/anim 8838 207K 1997-08-30 generic icon A truthful (but funny) way of how the 040 works. - (readme)
064_rappedbitc.lha mods/ijont 484 16K 2002-06-16 generic icon Crazy funny MOD by Ijon Tichy - (readme)
135TPIV30.lha mods/funk 4420 262K 1996-03-02 generic icon Funk mod by Yoga + Spirit ****+ - (readme)
1st_May.lha mods/evrim 4709 223K 1997-05-03 generic icon Funky style module by eVRIMSSON - (readme)
2b_LibSnooper.lha 1.1 (12.03.2002) dev/debug 9468 43K 2002-03-17 m68k-amigaos icon Kind of debugger patching library functions - (readme)
2b_VRastPort.lha 2.0 dev/lib 11277 34K 1998-11-11 m68k-amigaos icon Link library of 2D vector graphics funcs - (readme)
32bc_bubble.mpg mods/mpg 4559 5.8M 1999-08-18 generic icon Bubblefunk - D+B from the Blumax - (readme)
32bc_funkyspa.mpg mods/mpg 4449 5.3M 1999-04-23 generic icon Drum+bass mod by salty - (readme)
3DPlot.lha 2.0 misc/math 8546 114K 1991-01-19 m68k-amigaos icon Plot 3D functions of the form Z=F(X,Y). V2.0 - (readme)
6beat.lha mods/funk 4592 49K 1992-03-08 generic icon Funk module - (readme)
7thFlicker.lha mods/cato 5174 70K 1996-10-05 generic icon Funk mod by Don_Cato **** - (readme)
A1200FuncSpec.lha docs/hard 6123 35K 1999-08-28 generic icon A1200 functional Specifications - (readme)
Abi10.lha mods/house 4396 60K 1999-04-30 generic icon Funky house tune. - (readme)
AbsenceLive.lha mods/funk 4431 82K 1994-08-07 generic icon Funk mod by The Ec Man **** - (readme)
AcesHigh2.lha mods/funk 4490 36K 1994-08-07 generic icon Funk mod ***+ - (readme)
AcesLow2.lha mods/funk 4391 35K 1994-08-07 generic icon Funk mod by Intuition **** - (readme)
ACE_mem.lha 11-Apr-2014 dev/basic 6337 17K 2014-04-12 m68k-amigaos icon Extended memory functions for ACE. - (readme)
ACE_string.lha 7-May-2014 dev/basic 5662 18K 2014-05-09 m68k-amigaos icon Extended string functions for ACE. - (readme)
Achterbahn.jpg pix/trace 282 193K 1999-11-12 generic icon Picture of an Animation made with Cinema 4D by MadMan/FunDesign - (readme)
Achterbahn.lha pix/anim 4908 2.5M 2000-02-12 generic icon Animation made with Cinema 4D by MadMan/FunDesign - (readme)
Achterbahn2.jpg pix/trace 208 144K 2000-05-29 generic icon Picture of an Animation made with Cinema 4D by MadMan/FunDesign - (readme)
acid_runnerrmx.lha mods/sbc 4168 204K 1997-08-31 generic icon Acid runner fistfunk remix - experimental techno 4ch - (readme)
act-funk.lha mods/mark 3899 72K 1997-02-09 generic icon Mark Salud\'s funk music module - (readme)
Activity.lha mods/techn 343 330K 1999-11-14 generic icon Techno Tune made by MadMan of FunDesign - (readme)
AE.lha game/shoot 7695 217K 1999-05-28 m68k-amigaos icon Old but funny alien hunt - (readme)
ae2000.lha game/shoot 7551 371K 2000-05-13 m68k-amigaos icon Funny alien slaughter - (readme)
AFC.lha mods/mark 3994 84K 1996-07-30 generic icon Mark Salud\'s funk music module - (readme) 0.95.00 dev/gg 511 636K 2025-01-12 m68k-amigaos icon generic icon Audio Function Generator, ( - (readme)
afgt.lha mods/mark 4045 66K 1997-01-19 generic icon Mark Salud\'s funky music module - (readme)
afraid.lha mods/mark 3978 52K 1997-01-06 generic icon Mark Salud\'s Euro-funky music module - (readme)
AfroHeadStuck.lha mods/funk 4521 202K 1996-03-02 generic icon Funk mod by Sulphur+Lemming ***** - (readme)
Agenda22.lha mods/funk 4354 42K 1996-10-05 generic icon Funk mod by 911 **** - (readme)
AKeySwap1_1.lha util/mouse 5067 11K 1993-02-08 m68k-amigaos icon Swap the left/right \"Amiga\" key functions - (readme)
Alien-atic.lha mods/mark 3926 54K 1996-07-10 generic icon Mark Salud\'s new wave/funky music module - (readme)
Alloway.lha mods/funk 4408 133K 1996-10-05 generic icon Funk mod by Andy.finland **** - (readme)
almoves.lha mods/mark 3971 68K 1997-02-23 generic icon Mark Salud\'s technofunk music module - (readme)
alpar2.lha mods/mark 3993 71K 1997-09-03 generic icon Mark Salud\'s techno-funk music module - (readme)
AlphaOmegaIi.lha mods/funk 4334 116K 1994-08-07 generic icon Funk mod by Peter **** - (readme)
AmbientTrance.lha mods/tranc 4241 241K 1999-11-14 generic icon Trance Tune made by MadMan of FunDesign - (readme)
AmCli.lha mods/funk 4624 86K 1996-03-14 generic icon OCTAMED techno-funky music mod - (readme)
amiag13.lha misc/kids 5334 349K 1998-03-10 m68k-amigaos icon Fun program that teaches Japanese WB1.3 - (readme)
amiag1dm.lha misc/kids 5309 351K 1998-03-10 m68k-amigaos icon Fun program that teaches Japanese WB2+ - (readme)
amigafun-info.lha 2.0 comm/irc 7414 115K 2002-04-14 generic icon German IRC #AmigaFun Info Guide - (readme)
AmigaWorld.jpg pix/trace 263 124K 2000-05-29 generic icon Picture made with Cinema 4D by MadMan/FunDesign - (readme)
Amotrix.lha V1.1 (30-Mar-97) game/think 6168 142K 1997-05-30 m68k-amigaos icon Yet another tetris clone - old but fun - (readme)
Am_vs_Mi.lha pix/anim 347 3.6M 1996-10-05 generic icon : Amiga_vs_MicroSoft(Fun Anim) - (readme)
AndSoOn.lha mods/funk 4199 331K 1999-11-12 generic icon Groovy Funk by R.KAPP - (readme)
Annos.lha mods/funk 4328 150K 1996-10-05 generic icon Funk mod by Andy.finland **** - (readme)
AnyWayYouCan.lha mods/funk 4151 68K 1994-08-07 generic icon Funk mod by Epic ** - (readme)
an_mini4.lha mods/wmr 4002 87K 1999-03-06 generic icon IMM-Mon: \"Forca Fun Fare!\" by Anders A. - (readme)
Found 1223 matching packages
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