CDIndex07.lha |
util/cli |
640 |
5K |
1996-08-18 |
Creates dirs Idex for EARSAN CD - (readme) |
cdiskstate.lha |
0.2 |
util/cli |
995 |
3K |
2008-05-17 |
Check if disk is valid and such - (readme) |
CDR1_16.lha |
util/cli |
588 |
4K |
1999-06-07 |
Change dir. (& more) through a file req. - (readme) |
CDRun.lha |
util/cli |
1041 |
3K |
2000-08-03 |
CD and Run a command all in one go - (readme) |
CE14.lha |
util/cli |
849 |
1K |
2001-12-06 |
Checks if a directory is empty - (readme) |
cext.lha |
1.3 |
util/cli |
639 |
32K |
1998-06-03 |
Cli utility to change/renumber/delete filename extentions. - (readme) |
cext401.lha |
40.1 |
util/cli |
571 |
8K |
1997-01-24 |
Cli utility to change/delete filename extentions. - (readme) |
cext402.lha |
40.2 |
util/cli |
613 |
10K |
1997-02-05 |
Utility to change/delete/renumber filename extentions. - (readme) |
CFX5601P.lha |
util/cli |
634 |
108K |
1996-04-10 |
Best filetype-checker + file-finder - (readme) |
Change.lha |
util/cli |
583 |
12K |
1993-06-03 |
CLI only program for converting numbers - (readme) |
ChangeMemPri.lha |
V2.0 (12-Feb-98) |
util/cli |
984 |
2K |
1998-02-13 |
Changes the priority of memory nodes *FIXED* - (readme) |
check.lha |
util/cli |
692 |
30K |
1995-04-13 |
Checks files and directory structures for errors - (readme) |
checkdrv.lha |
util/cli |
745 |
2K |
1993-04-26 |
CheckDrive v1.0 Waits until HD\'s are validated - KS 2.0 - (readme) |
CheckModem.lha |
1.3 |
util/cli |
640 |
5K |
1998-10-08 |
Checks status from a connected modem - (readme) |
CheckPort.lha |
1.0 |
util/cli |
722 |
1K |
1998-08-29 |
* CheckPort v1.0 (cli script tool) * - (readme) |
chgprefs.lha |
1.3 |
util/cli |
620 |
2K |
1997-09-08 |
A command 4 changin\'many prefs at a time - (readme) |
chmod.lha |
1.01 (Thu 15-Aug-1996) |
util/cli |
676 |
5K |
1996-08-17 |
Like chmod in UNIX. Supports MultiUser. - (readme) |
ChngPPCTaskPri.lha |
util/cli |
627 |
5K |
1998-06-03 |
Cli tool to change the pri of a PPC task - (readme) |
chop.lha |
util/cli |
557 |
9K |
1998-10-19 |
Chop V1.0, remove unnecessary data from the end of files - (readme) |
cii.lha |
util/cli |
600 |
3K |
1994-06-25 |
Utility to update old iconimages - (readme) |
ciphersaber.i386-aros.tar.bz2 |
0.7 |
util/cli |
641 |
186K |
2006-11-06 |
CipherSaber, RC-4 encryption program - (readme) |
ciphersaber.lha |
0.6 |
util/cli |
617 |
19K |
2003-02-23 |
CipherSaber, RC-4 encryption program - (readme) |
CircLeS.lha |
util/cli |
672 |
1K |
1998-02-09 |
Ultra smallest bugfixed CLS program - (readme) |
CleanFonts37.lha |
37.1 |
util/cli |
583 |
10K |
1997-06-13 |
Remove drawer/otag-less .font files, replace FixFonts - (readme) |
CLI-Tools.lha |
util/cli |
629 |
20K |
1992-11-21 |
Some CLI-use only tools - (readme) |
cli2win.lha |
1.1 |
util/cli |
760 |
1K |
2000-08-05 |
V1.1 open a WB drawer from CLI - (readme) |
CLIanywhere.lha |
util/cli |
601 |
14K |
1994-02-12 |
Toggles screen\'s WB flag, so WB progs open there instead. - (readme) |
ClibSave.lha |
0.1 |
util/cli |
938 |
7K |
1992-02-01 |
Saves contents of clipboard to a file. V0.1 - (readme) |
clip.lha |
2.0 |
util/cli |
771 |
5K |
2001-02-06 |
Manipulate the clipboard from shell (w/src) - (readme) |
ClipRdWr.lha |
1.3 |
util/cli |
916 |
8K |
2017-05-29 |
read+write text from/to any clipb. unit - (readme) |
ClipRdWr12a.lha |
1.2a |
util/cli |
607 |
9K |
1997-05-09 |
Read & write text to any clipboard unit. - (readme) |
ClipRdWr_src.lha |
1.3 |
util/cli |
1076 |
17K |
2017-05-29 |
ClipRdWr source code - (readme) |
ClipRW.lha |
util/cli |
620 |
6K |
1996-05-17 |
Two CLI programs to display & write text from/to any clipboard unit. - (readme) |
CLIsizer.lha |
1.0 |
util/cli |
716 |
11K |
1991-11-20 |
Allows resizing of WB screen from CLI. V1.0 - (readme) |
clispawn.lha |
0.3 |
util/cli |
1039 |
29K |
2009-11-08 |
Spawns preconfigured CLIs - (readme) |
clitools.lha |
util/cli |
673 |
41K |
1997-02-02 |
Collection of small utilities. - (readme) |
cliutils_mra.lha |
util/cli |
757 |
50K |
1999-07-10 |
(useful) CLI programs - (readme) |
CLIwindow.lha |
1.00 |
util/cli |
631 |
12K |
1991-01-16 |
Manipulate dimensions of a CLI window. V1.00 - (readme) |
CLI_Progs.lha |
1.00 (2-Mar-2001) |
util/cli |
775 |
64K |
2001-03-07 |
Misc small utilities for CLI use. V1.00 - (readme) |
CLI_Utilities.lha |
util/cli |
760 |
52K |
1988-10-02 |
Misc small utilities for CLI use. - (readme) |
CloseWB.lha |
1.00 |
util/cli |
755 |
2K |
1998-04-15 |
Brute force/background Workbench Screen Closer - (readme) |
CloseWorkBench.lha |
util/cli |
742 |
4K |
1993-07-08 |
Close Workbench screen from CLI - (readme) |
ClrMem.lha |
util/cli |
707 |
2K |
2000-03-29 |
Clears memory of a given type - (readme) |
cls.lha |
1 |
util/cli |
900 |
3K |
1998-01-31 |
CLS, CLear Screen command. just like IBM. vbcc harlock - (readme) |
cmdpack.lha |
1.01 |
util/cli |
1168 |
388K |
2011-07-12 |
collection of CLI tools - (readme) |
cmdpack_os4.lha |
1.03 |
util/cli |
742 |
218K |
2012-04-11 |
Neill Corlett's Command-Line Pack - (readme) |
Cmp-AW.lha |
util/cli |
604 |
43K |
1995-01-25 |
Useful util to compare 2 files. V1.3 - (readme) |
cmp-ezsoft.lzh |
util/cli |
628 |
5K |
1994-01-31 |
CMPv1.0 File Comparator (C)1992 EZSoft - (readme) |
cmp.lha |
util/cli |
677 |
7K |
1995-03-05 |
V2.92, compare 2 and more files, MC68020+ - (readme) |
cmp406.lha |
40.6 |
util/cli |
1284 |
6K |
2006-02-02 |
Compare two binary files - (readme) |