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Found 188 matching packages
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name: v version: path: dls: size: date: arch: desc:
newsaboticons.lha pix/nicon 280 4K 1995-04-19 generic icon NewIcons sabot icons for >16 col wb. - (readme)
newkyicons1.lha pix/nicon 283 7K 1999-01-28 generic icon Small Collection of Newicons - (readme)
NewIconsXTRA.lha pix/nicon 1302 444K 1994-11-28 generic icon OFFICIAL NewIcons Image Set (500+icons) - (readme)
NewIconsSH2.lha pix/nicon 446 50K 1996-04-14 generic icon 38 NewIcons incl.complete set for Hack - (readme)
NewIconsSH.lha pix/nicon 472 27K 1995-08-28 generic icon 17 NewIcons,+ a nice hi-res hand-pointer - (readme)
Newicon.lha pix/nicon 604 364K 1997-05-10 generic icon Newicon collection, including Ibrowse and a wood-icons. - (readme)
NetNewIcons.lha pix/nicon 372 13K 1995-05-23 generic icon Grapevine, AMosaic, GUIftp and VMM NewIcons. - (readme)
NetIcons.lha 1.12 pix/nicon 290 45K 1998-09-28 generic icon Set of NewIcons for use in NC2 - (readme)
myst_NI.lha pix/nicon 220 13K 1998-02-05 generic icon A NewIcon to use with Myst (93x73x31) - (readme)
MYST_newicon.lha pix/nicon 287 9K 1998-02-13 generic icon Official clickBOOM MYST newicons - (readme)
myisoicons.lha pix/nicon 312 221K 1995-04-15 generic icon Icons in isometric style a la NewIcons - (readme)
myiconz.lha 1.0 pix/nicon 285 14K 1997-02-05 generic icon My Icons - NewIcons icon - (readme)
mufcNicons.lha pix/nicon 264 779K 1999-01-31 generic icon Manchester United based backdrops and Newicons - (readme)
MiIcons1.5.lha pix/nicon 264 382K 1996-09-13 generic icon A kewl set of Icons. Compleate set. - (readme)
Mephisto-icons.lha V1.0 pix/nicon 332 444K 2003-02-09 generic icon Yet Another Cool Icon Pack [by cYbo] - (readme)
LWIcons.lha pix/nicon 312 4K 1997-04-19 generic icon NewIcons for Lightwave. Looks more pro! - (readme)
LucyNIcons.lha 25.01.1999 pix/nicon 392 403K 1999-01-30 generic icon Great NewIcons for many games - (readme)
LucyIcons.lha 30-07-99 pix/nicon 450 524K 1999-07-31 generic icon Loads of NewIcons for Games, Tools & Fun - (readme)
LightnngIcons2.lha pix/nicon 349 12K 1999-10-15 generic icon NewIcons v4 iconset by Lightning - (readme)
LightningIcons.lha pix/nicon 345 23K 1999-02-22 generic icon NewIcons v4 iconset by Lightning - (readme)
LeeIcons2.lha pix/nicon 254 66K 1999-04-20 generic icon More Newicon\'s - (readme)
KipsZip2.lha pix/nicon 296 3K 1996-01-25 generic icon 3 more icons for NewIcons and your Zip drive! - (readme)
KipsZip.lha pix/nicon 270 1K 1995-11-24 generic icon A NI style icon for your Zip drive! - (readme)
JSNuIcons2.lha pix/nicon 362 174K 1996-07-31 generic icon Collection of NewIcons, incl. Syringe V1.1 - (readme)
JSNuIcons.lha pix/nicon 413 269K 1996-03-27 generic icon Collection of NewIcons, distinguished style. - (readme)
Jim_Icons.lha pix/nicon 343 136K 1998-07-09 generic icon Futuristic NewIcons - (readme)
Ivo_2-NI.lha pix/nicon 559 510K 1998-06-03 generic icon 270 NewIcons by Ivo Kosak - (readme)
Ivo_1-NI.lha pix/nicon 514 454K 1998-02-23 generic icon 240 NewIcons by Ivo Kosak - (readme)
Ilticon-games1.lha pix/nicon 474 465K 1999-06-29 generic icon 256 Color NewIcons for Games - (readme)
IGfx30.lha 3.0 pix/nicon 1939 744K 1995-12-28 generic icon Iconographics 3.0 - Icon/NewIcon Collection - (readme)
Iconosjuegos.lha February 2006 pix/nicon 502 156K 2006-02-28 generic icon NewIcons for Games - (readme)
Horse_icons.lha pix/nicon 229 81K 1998-01-23 generic icon Horse Icons - (readme)
GVP_NIcons.lha pix/nicon 427 13K 1999-02-11 generic icon GVP and SCSI icons in NewIcons format - (readme)
Greek_Locale.lha pix/nicon 317 21K 2001-05-23 generic icon Greek Locale Icons - (readme)
GoonanIcons.lha pix/nicon 362 27K 1997-02-18 generic icon A few extra icons for NewIconsV3. - (readme)
GamesIcons4.lha 1 pix/nicon 386 382K 2001-06-07 generic icon OS 3.5 color icons for games - (readme)
GamesIcons3.lha 1 pix/nicon 527 428K 2001-06-07 generic icon OS 3.5 color icons for games - (readme)
GamesIcons2.lha 1 pix/nicon 896 419K 2001-06-07 generic icon OS 3.5 color icons for games - (readme)
GamesIcons1.lha 1 pix/nicon 3987 443K 2001-06-07 generic icon OS 3.5 color icons for games - (readme)
GameNIcons2.lha pix/nicon 4074 49K 1999-10-14 generic icon More of Jaybee\'s NewIcons for HD-Installed games - (readme)
GameNIcons2-pr.jpg pix/nicon 1063 37K 1999-10-14 generic icon More of Jaybee\'s NewIcons for HD-Installed games [PREVIEW] - (readme)
GameNIcons.lha pix/nicon 4047 220K 1999-05-26 generic icon Jaybee\'s home-made NewIcons for HD-installed games - (readme)
GameNIcons-pre.jpg pix/nicon 1215 127K 1999-05-26 generic icon Jaybee\'s home-made NewIcons for HD-installed games [PREVIEW] - (readme)
gamedrw.lzh pix/nicon 4241 26K 1997-09-08 generic icon 20 NewIcons drawers for many games - (readme)
FTypeICONS.lha pix/nicon 3960 39K 1999-02-02 generic icon Nice collection of filetype icons - NewIcons - (readme)
frank_newicons.lha 1.0 pix/nicon 4305 485K 2010-11-30 generic icon Frank NewIcons - (readme)
FF9_icons.lha pix/nicon 3878 29K 2001-07-17 generic icon Great set of FF9 Newicons - (readme)
FabiusNIDocs2.lha pix/nicon 3867 160K 1998-01-03 generic icon New Icons docs, Doom, Quake, QuickTime - (readme)
FabiusNIDocs.lha pix/nicon 3905 96K 1997-07-29 generic icon New Icons docs for ToolManager or Dopus5x - (readme)
Exoticons.lha pix/nicon 4350 5.1M 2000-05-20 generic icon 942 NewIcons for games v0.01 :) - (readme)
Found 188 matching packages
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