84782 packages online


Showing: m68k-amigaos iconppc-amigaos iconppc-morphos iconi386-aros iconi386-amithlon iconppc-warpup iconppc-powerup icongeneric icon
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name: v version: path: dls: size: date: arch: desc:
tcd-rad_src.lha demo/aga 449 873K 1999-05-24 m68k-amigaos icon Source code for Radiation (C+ASM) - (readme)
tar-src.lha 1.12 dev/gg 560 763K 1998-03-16 m68k-amigaos icon GNU Tape Archiver. V1.12 - (readme)
TapSlice_src.lha 1.0 misc/emu 1133 5K 2017-05-14 generic icon TapSlice source code. - (readme)
TagoMigaSrc.lha 1.3 comm/misc 622 84K 1999-04-23 m68k-amigaos icon A powerful PostcardWare tagtool (source code) - (readme)
Tactrix.lha game/2play 515 129K 1996-06-16 m68k-amigaos icon Board game similar to chess (+BASIC src) - (readme)
Tabs_src.lha comm/irc 648 31K 2003-11-09 generic icon Tabs fixer plugin for AmIRC 3+, sources - (readme)
T3DLIB_Src_R43.lha gfx/3d 653 111K 1995-02-03 m68k-amigaos icon 3D Object Conversion/Manipulation Src - (readme)
T3DLIB_Src_R42.lha gfx/3d 652 97K 1994-01-21 m68k-amigaos icon 3D Object Conversion/Manipulation - (readme)
SysTracker_src.lha dev/src 701 70K 2000-02-17 m68k-amigaos icon Full source code to SysTracker v0.1 - (readme)
SysPic400src.lha util/boot 488 86K 2001-05-05 m68k-amigaos icon Sources of SysPic v4.00 - (readme)
sysc.lha mus/midi 585 15K 1996-06-19 m68k-amigaos icon DX7 & K4 all-dump checker (bin,src,rexx,example) - (readme)
syobon.src-aros.lha 1.0.1 game/jump 1030 4.4M 2012-09-29 generic icon Syobon Action sources - (readme)
sylpheed-src.lha 3.7.0 comm/mail 698 1.8M 2023-08-13 generic icon Sources of Sylpheed 3.7.0 for AmiCygnix - (readme)
sx105r2src.lha comm/bbs 496 235K 1998-11-03 m68k-amigaos icon Source code to System-X BBS Software - (readme)
SwSrc.lha game/shoot 690 2.4M 2002-12-15 m68k-amigaos icon Q2-Src: Star Wars TC - (readme)
SWitch_src.lha 1.2 util/boot 1229 8K 2017-05-23 generic icon SWitch source code - (readme)
SWitch_new.lha 1.3 util/cdity 782 186K 2020-11-16 m68k-amigaos icon ppc-amigaos icon i386-aros icon Screens/windows switcher commodity (+src) - (readme)
swisrc.lha dev/lang 878 1.1M 1998-05-19 m68k-amigaos icon SWI-Prolog 2.9.10 - (readme)
swfplayersrc.lha 1.3 gfx/show 613 473K 2004-01-04 generic icon Standalone player for Amiga (source) - (readme)
SVGTools-1.2.2-src.lha 1.2.2 gfx/misc 904 939K 2006-12-14 generic icon Tools to convert SVG to PDF/PS/PNG (src) - (readme)
superopt-src.lha 2.5 dev/gg 662 97K 1998-03-16 m68k-amigaos icon Finds optimal asm instruction sequences. V2.5 - (readme)
superduper_css_src.lha 1.0 disk/misc 1221 105K 2018-03-21 generic icon SuperDuper (CCS) source code - (readme)
Super2Src.lha game/shoot 663 1.5M 2002-12-15 m68k-amigaos icon Q2-Src: SuperHeroes II - (readme)
sup.lha misc/unix 4873 225K 1998-08-18 m68k-amigaos icon Amiga port of the NetBSD \'sup\' client and server (+src) - (readme) 1.1.4 dev/misc 546 9.4M 2014-06-04 i386-aros icon Tools for subversion repositories (src) - (readme)
Stylus300_src.lha text/print 351 9K 1999-01-07 m68k-amigaos icon Asm-source of the Epson Stylus300 printerdriver - (readme)
Stroke_src.lha 1.2 util/cdity 1051 63K 2017-03-05 generic icon Stroke source code - (readme)
StripANSI2.lha dev/src 640 5K 1994-03-08 m68k-amigaos icon Strip ANSI Sequences from a file (src) - (readme)
StringInOut_src.lha 4.0 util/cdity 1212 15K 2017-04-28 generic icon StringInOut source code - (readme)
stricq_src.lha 0.1735 comm/misc 955 202K 2007-12-14 generic icon Stricq 0.1735 Sources - (readme)
strange_src.lha 0.22 comm/www 548 204K 2024-02-08 generic icon source of strange' - (readme)
StormMesa_Src.lha 3.1 util/libs 1114 1.5M 2006-01-23 generic icon StormMesa: sources for GL, GLU and GLUT - (readme) 1.0 game/actio 895 916K 2011-01-02 m68k-amigaos icon Pacman game w/ Christmas Trees (+src) - (readme)
stefanb_src.lha N/A dev/src 820 1.3M 1999-12-13 m68k-amigaos icon Complete sources from Stefan Becker\'s Amiga projects - (readme)
StatOSrc.lha game/misc 784 12K 1994-11-03 generic icon C Source for StatOPont. - (readme)
ST4Amiga.lha 2.40 misc/emu 1318 41K 1996-08-22 m68k-amigaos icon ST emulator w/src, better SaveROM - (readme)
Src2GEDProj.lha text/edit 533 2K 1996-03-06 generic icon GED macro: puts src files into Proj list - (readme)
spot_it_src.lha game/think 556 182K 1999-02-10 generic icon Spot It - AMOS source code - (readme)
SPlay.lha 1.0b mus/play 1229 46K 2023-05-10 m68k-amigaos icon A quick 8SVX/ADPCM SamplePlayer with Src - (readme)
SpiderMonkey-js-src.lha 1.5-1 dev/lang 1065 1.2M 2006-11-23 generic icon Mozilla JavaScript interpreter - src - (readme)
SpiderMonkey-js-os4-src.lha 1.5-1 dev/lang 849 1.2M 2006-12-18 generic icon Mozilla JavaScript interpreter - src - (readme)
spectrum-1.8wip_src.lha 1.8wip misc/emu 1421 424K 2017-04-12 generic icon Sinclair ZX Spectrum Emulator (source) - (readme)
spectrum-1.7_src.lha 1.7 misc/emu 1646 220K 2017-03-25 generic icon Sinclair ZX Spectrum Emulator (sources) - (readme)
Speccylator-src.lha 1.0 misc/emu 1362 159K 2007-07-12 generic icon Source code for Speccylator - (readme)
spatch_os4.lha 6.51 rel 4 dev/misc 1294 79K 2007-08-17 ppc-amigaos icon Clone of SAS Binary File Patcher w/src - (readme)
spatch.lha 6.51 rel. 4 dev/misc 5894 11K 2007-08-16 m68k-amigaos icon ppc-morphos icon Clone of SAS Binary File Patcher w/ src - (readme)
SpaceEmpireSrc.lha comm/bbs 490 49K 1993-03-27 m68k-amigaos icon Strategy door game for Citadel BBS system - (readme)
sox-12.17.3src.lha dev/gg 694 525K 2003-01-01 m68k-amigaos icon SOX v12.17.3 sound converter for AmigaOS 68k SRC - (readme)
sox-12.16-base.lha mus/edit 766 267K 1999-09-22 m68k-amigaos icon Multiformat sound converter (src) - (readme)
SoundDT41src.lha dev/src 706 43K 2004-07-05 m68k-amigaos icon Sounddt41 source code - (readme)
Found 1108 matching packages
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