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name: ^ version: path: dls: size: date: arch: desc:
NewIconsV4_copy.txt 1.0 util/wb 454 5K 2023-07-19 generic icon Support script for NewIconsV4 - (readme)
NewIconsXTRA.lha pix/nicon 1302 444K 1994-11-28 generic icon OFFICIAL NewIcons Image Set (500+icons) - (readme)
NewIconToBrush.lha gfx/conv 706 3K 1995-01-11 m68k-amigaos icon Converts \'NewIcons\' images into IFF Brushes. - (readme)
newkyicons1.lha pix/nicon 283 7K 1999-01-28 generic icon Small Collection of Newicons - (readme)
newsaboticons.lha pix/nicon 280 4K 1995-04-19 generic icon NewIcons sabot icons for >16 col wb. - (readme)
NewWB.lha pix/wb 557 157K 1997-03-06 generic icon Snapshot of my WB. newicons, nice tinymeter... - (readme)
NI-Backdrop_02.lha pix/nicon 557 362K 1995-07-06 generic icon Backdrops for NewIcons Workbench - (readme)
NI-Backdrop_03.lha pix/nicon 464 395K 1995-07-06 generic icon Backdrops for NewIcons Workbench - (readme)
NI-Backdrop_04.lha pix/nicon 444 298K 1995-07-06 generic icon Backdrops for NewIcons Workbench - (readme)
NI-Backdrop_05.lha pix/nicon 447 313K 1995-07-07 generic icon Backdrops for NewIcons Workbench - (readme)
NI-Backdrop_06.lha pix/nicon 488 379K 1995-07-07 generic icon Backdrops for NewIcons Workbench - (readme)
NI-pow10.lha pix/nicon 338 586K 1999-01-17 generic icon AlotOfNewIcons for POWERMONGER +MagicWB - (readme)
NI-pww10.lha pix/nicon 296 109K 1999-01-17 generic icon AlotOfNewIcons for POWERMONGER WW1 +MagicWB - (readme)
NI-SailorMoon.lha pix/nicon 306 8K 2003-07-21 generic icon Anime/Manga NewIcons: Sailor Moon - (readme)
NI-V2.lha pix/nicon 385 167K 1995-10-30 generic icon Second Generation NewIcons - (readme)
NI-WinIcons01.lha pix/nicon 260 43K 1998-02-16 generic icon Re-done NewIcons for the WinIconz1 archive - (readme)
NI.BlitzSet.lha pix/nicon 309 9K 1997-05-24 generic icon A set of NewIcons for Blitz Basic - (readme)
ni4dock.lha pix/nicon 477 214K 1996-11-29 generic icon Newicons for toolmanager docks - (readme)
NI4Opus.lha util/dopus 589 74K 1997-10-14 generic icon NewIcons for Opus (ReRelease) - (readme)
NI4OpusT.lha util/dopus 570 150K 1997-12-05 generic icon Toolbar NewIcons r.7! by danneS - (readme)
NIB1_00.lha dev/blitz 648 22K 1999-04-29 m68k-amigaos icon Use newicons.library thru Blitz EASILY! - (readme)
NIB1_10.lha 1.10 dev/blitz 599 29K 1999-08-17 m68k-amigaos icon Full system for using NewIcons in Blitz - (readme)
NIinBeStyle.lha pix/nicon 286 267K 1997-12-03 generic icon BeIcons for NewIconsV3+ - (readme)
NIPrefs-GT.lha util/wb 1011 9K 1998-02-13 m68k-amigaos icon GadTools replacement for NewIcons V4 prefs editor - (readme)
NIPrefs.lha util/wb 787 9K 1998-05-06 m68k-amigaos icon BGUI NewIconsV4 prefs program replacement (v1.04) - (readme)
NIRemapFix.lha 0.0 util/wb 668 23K 1997-11-24 m68k-amigaos icon Wrong parts of NewIcons are transp FIX - (readme)
nirtgset.lha 0.1 util/wb 830 2K 2009-03-26 m68k-amigaos icon Newicons rtg [un]setter - (readme)
NI_bck10.lha 1.0 pix/gicon 404 436K 1999-04-19 generic icon AlotOfNewIcons for BC KID +GlowIcons - (readme)
NI_b_s10.lha 1.0 pix/nicon 309 214K 2000-04-09 generic icon AlotOfNewIcons for BUBBLE & SQUEAK +Glow+HDinst! - (readme)
NI_g-i10.lha 1.0 pix/nicon 279 429K 2000-04-08 generic icon AlotOfNewIcons for ISLONA&GUILDHALL GAMES - (readme)
NI_i5010.lha pix/nicon 266 92K 1999-03-20 generic icon AlotOfNewIcons for INDIANAPOLIS 500 +MWB - (readme)
NI_pow10.lha 1.0 pix/nicon 346 586K 2000-04-08 generic icon AlotOfNewIcons for POWERMONGER +MagicWB - (readme)
NI_pss10.lha 1.0 pix/nicon 319 304K 2000-04-08 generic icon AlotOfNewIcons for Parasol Star - (readme)
NI_pww11.lha 1.1 pix/nicon 302 680K 2000-04-08 generic icon AlotOfNewIcons for POWERMONGER WW1 +Mwb - (readme)
NI_rbi10.lha pix/nicon 280 70K 1999-03-20 generic icon AlotOfNewIcons for RAINBOW ISLANDS +MagicWB - (readme)
NI_rdl10.lha 1.0 pix/nicon 321 552K 2000-04-08 generic icon AlotOfNewIcons for RODLAND +MagicWB - (readme)
NI_spc10.lha 1.0 pix/gicon 379 378K 1999-05-29 generic icon SPACE CRUSADE NewIcons/GlowIcons - (readme)
NI_tnt10.lha 1.0 pix/gicon 367 441K 1999-04-18 generic icon TRAPS N' TREASURES Newicons/GlowIcons - (readme)
NI_trc10.lha 1.0 pix/gicon 497 713K 1999-04-18 generic icon TURRICAN 1,2&3 NewIcons/GlowIcons - (readme)
NI_vrm11.lha 1.1 pix/gicon 494 239K 1999-05-02 generic icon AlotOfNewIcons for VROOM +GlowIcons - (readme)
NI_wod10.lha pix/nicon 251 109K 1999-03-20 generic icon AlotOfNewIcons for WRATH OF THE DEMON +MWB - (readme)
NoNewIcons10.lha 1.0 util/wb 806 55K 1996-06-25 m68k-amigaos icon Recursively kill all NewIcons - (readme)
obiwanNI2.lha pix/nicon 311 39K 1997-03-06 generic icon My second set of NewIcons - (readme)
ObtainPens.lha 1.0 util/wb 903 11K 1996-11-26 m68k-amigaos icon A better MWB-Color-Daemon (e.g. for NewIcons / MUI) - (readme)
OCoWBs.lha pix/wb 281 247K 1998-12-30 generic icon Screenshots of my NewIcons Workbench - (readme)
OptyNewIcons.lha pix/nicon 284 13K 1997-02-09 generic icon NewIcons pack for OptyCDPlayer ! :) - (readme)
OpusGIFlags.lha 1.1a (05-Oct-00) util/dopus 559 171K 2000-10-05 generic icon +200 Flags NewIcons in OpusGIBar's format !. - (readme)
OpusGrab.lha pix/wb 338 322K 1997-11-27 generic icon 1160x864x24 Opus Magellan grab with very nice FX + NewIcons - (readme)
OpusNIbar.lha pix/nicon 340 107K 1999-08-19 generic icon Directory Opus 5.5+ Toolbar NewIcons RELEASE 7 - (readme)
OpusNIbar.lha Release 7 util/dopus 596 111K 1999-08-16 generic icon Directory Opus 5.5+ Toolbar NewIcons - (readme)
Found 202 matching packages
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