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Found 164 matching package(s):
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name: ^version:path:dls:size:date:arch:desc:
Addlibs-Rexx.lha1.0util/batch57921K1996-08-15m68k-amigaos Script to run in UserStartup to load rexx libs. - (readme)
Advice.lha util/batch572112K1995-01-28m68k-amigaos New requester to display text from a file - (readme)
adx10.lha util/batch58372K1999-01-14m68k-amigaos Archives disk images using YADI and LZX - (readme)
aiostreams.lhav1.7.7util/batch4745228K2023-12-21generic Stream video from major online platforms - (readme)
alu.lha1.3util/batch310651K2020-10-08m68k-amigaos WBStartup-like launcher for OS1.2+ - (readme)
Ambient_AddShortcut.lha1.2util/batch547810K2015-01-07generic Add shortcuts to files/urls to Ambient - (readme)
AmigaT.lha1.4util/batch562814K1997-05-21m68k-amigaos Small/powerfull systemcheck util, v1.4 - (readme)
APT-Watch.lha1.00util/batch56974K2000-03-25m68k-amigaos Execute command upon file change (v1.00) - (readme)
ARPClones-37.1.lha util/batch55813K1995-05-08m68k-amigaos AmigaDOS equivalents of ARP BaseName & TackOn - (readme)
AskReq.lha util/batch557212K1993-06-03m68k-amigaos Batchfile requester - (readme)
AskVersion.lha util/batch53744K1993-03-09m68k-amigaos Checks for OS version - (readme)
Assigned.lha util/batch55029K1987-04-12m68k-amigaos Find if name has been assigned. - (readme)
AutoIconOpen.lha1.2util/batch57098K1987-07-07m68k-amigaos Simulate mouse events, select/open icons. V1.2 - (readme)
Back-Talk10.lha util/batch5482119K1994-12-05m68k-amigaos A background program that says random things from a user generated file. - (readme)
BatchMaster.lha1.27util/batch53696K1991-08-05m68k-amigaos Eases creation of interactive scripts . V1.27 - (readme)
BatchRequester.lha1.1util/batch552410K1991-01-15m68k-amigaos File Requester for use in batch files. V1.1 - (readme)
Bawk.lha util/batch521570K1987-08-22m68k-amigaos Text processor inspired by UNIX "awk". - (readme)
BFTest10.lha1.0util/batch481130K1995-12-11m68k-amigaos Test batch-scripts on unknown commands - (readme)
BGUIMenu.lha util/batch472378K1995-09-07m68k-amigaos V1.0 of the program to create Button menus - (readme)
BindNames36_19.lha util/batch440326K1995-12-03m68k-amigaos Update to Dave Haynie's original program - (readme)
Boot-Startup.lha util/batch45674K1999-02-09m68k-amigaos Programmable boot menu script - (readme)
bootstartupv2.lha util/batch47056K1999-09-10m68k-amigaos Programmable boot menu script v2 - (readme)
BP102.lha util/batch45485K1992-08-15m68k-amigaos BaseName Processor. 2.0 only. - (readme)
ButtonCheck.lha util/batch438439K1996-12-21m68k-amigaos Mouse Buttons Checker by Shahryar - (readme)
Carrier.lha util/batch44551K1996-06-16m68k-amigaos Sets a local variable depending on the state of the serial port. - (readme)
case.lha util/batch46502K1996-06-05m68k-amigaos Change case of input or env. variables. - (readme)
centre.lha util/batch46051K1996-10-14m68k-amigaos Centre strings on a line - (readme)
charma.lha util/batch466210K1995-12-03m68k-amigaos Add/sub chars from lines in text files - (readme)
Check4Mem.lha3util/batch45725K1990-12-14m68k-amigaos Check for specified amount of avail mem. V3 - (readme)
CheckCarrier.lha util/batch44468K1996-07-25m68k-amigaos V1.1 CarrierDetect binary for scripts. - (readme)
CheckKey.lha util/batch45622K1993-08-30m68k-amigaos Check a keys up/down status in scripts - (readme)
checkmouse.lha util/batch46187K1996-06-25m68k-amigaos Set $RC depending upon state of mouse buttons - (readme)
checkret.lha util/batch45374K1993-10-01m68k-amigaos Checks the return code of any program - (readme)
Chelp.lha1.3util/batch54821.4M2018-04-04generic Online help for MorphOS shell commands - (readme)
chequals.lha util/batch45468K1995-07-03m68k-amigaos Checks for qual's and sets return code - (readme)
ClickNumber.lha util/batch44492K1995-06-11m68k-amigaos ADos script to enter number w/ mouse - (readme)
Connect.lha util/batch44713K1997-07-23m68k-amigaos Script: Connect yourself to the Borg collective - (readme)
Count.lha util/batch44924K1996-03-29m68k-amigaos In(De)crements a given ENV-Var and displays it. V1.0. - (readme)
cowpat.lha1.0util/batch46282K2010-02-08generic Gives wildcard support to commands - (readme)
Cursor1_0.lha util/batch44713K1995-11-04m68k-amigaos Switch Cursor on/off in Shellwindow - (readme)
CustReq.lha4util/batch46096K1990-12-14m68k-amigaos Glorified "ask" command for startup. V4 - (readme)
CutIT10.lha util/batch44479K1996-04-16m68k-amigaos CutiT V1.0, Will split INDEX file (biz_xxx, etc.) - (readme)
DayRunner.lha util/batch45032K1995-10-18m68k-amigaos Run a script exactly once a day. - (readme)
DelZero.lha40.1util/batch47364K1998-10-19m68k-amigaos Set filesize to 0 (zero) THEN delete it. - (readme)
dir2html.lha1.0util/batch46712K2000-11-01m68k-amigaos Dir2html - Generates html page containing selected directory - (readme)
disappear101.lha1.01util/batch46631K2006-01-25generic shell script to wipe out unwanted volumes from wb - (readme)
displaybeep.lha1.0util/batch47211K1999-01-19m68k-amigaos Flash display as an event alert - (readme)
DizIT10.lha util/batch442139K1996-04-09m68k-amigaos DiziT V1.0b, another 'dizzer'! - (readme)
DoSummin.lha util/batch454710K1996-11-14m68k-amigaos Perform actions on file notify. V1.0 - (readme)
E-UAELoad_v1.31.lha1.31util/batch6976116K2008-10-13i386-amithlon m68k-amigaos Auto configure WHDLoad games for E-UAE - (readme)
Found 164 matching package(s):
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