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Found 368 matching packages
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name: ^ version: path: dls: size: date: arch: desc:
1941ED_MOS.lha 1.1.1 game/shoot 12428 47M 2010-12-15 ppc-morphos icon 1941 Extreme deluxe by HunoPPC - (readme)
2048.lha 1.0 game/board 9536 435K 2014-07-02 ppc-morphos icon "2048" - Logical game (Amiga clone) - (readme)
2H4U-MorphOS.lha 1.3 game/think 13356 2.7M 2008-01-17 ppc-morphos icon 2H4U - Too Hard For You - (readme)
2PicPuzzle_mos.lha 1.0 game/think 7799 2.3M 2016-07-18 ppc-morphos icon Simple puzzle game (Hollywood 4) - (readme)
54321-MorphOS.lha 1.0 game/board 10131 612K 2008-02-22 ppc-morphos icon Five classic puzzle games - (readme)
AbandondedBricks.lha 1.12 game/think 8022 2.0M 2008-01-18 ppc-morphos icon Another Tetris clone (SDL) - (readme)
abandoned_bricks-mos.lha 1.12 game/think 8338 2.2M 2006-02-23 ppc-morphos icon SDL cross-platform tetris-like game - (readme)
AbbayeDesMorts.lha 2.2 game/actio 8220 558K 2015-05-04 ppc-morphos icon Abbaye Des Morts game for Amiga - (readme)
abe-1.1-mos.lha 1.1 game/jump 7093 2.9M 2008-02-03 ppc-morphos icon platform game Abe's Amazing Adventure - (readme)
abombniball-0.2b_mos.lha 0.2b game/think 7742 711K 2006-08-18 ppc-morphos icon Defuse bombs before they explode - (readme)
addtraction-mos.lha 0.001 game/board 10980 93K 2006-02-15 ppc-morphos icon Numbers-based board game - (readme)
ADoomMOS.lha 0.1 game/shoot 8083 267K 2006-08-22 ppc-morphos icon MorphOS port of ADoom v1.7 - (readme)
AfricaMOS.lha 1.57 game/board 46807 398K 2025-01-03 ppc-morphos icon Conversion of 3W board game - (readme) 1.0 game/think 764 16M 2018-07-28 ppc-morphos icon Educational game to teach coding - (readme)
airstrike.lha 1.0pre6 game/actio 9775 3.6M 2005-02-19 ppc-morphos icon 2D dogfighting game - (readme)
aklabeth-mos.lha 1.0 game/role 6640 742K 2005-12-04 ppc-morphos icon Ultima clone - (readme)
AlephOne-MorphOS.lha 2005-01-18 game/shoot 8674 1.3M 2005-10-04 ppc-morphos icon first person shooter based on Marathon 2 - (readme)
alienattackHW.lha 1.1 game/shoot 8434 1.6M 2007-04-01 ppc-morphos icon SpaceInvaders clone done with Hollywood - (readme)
alienblaster-1.1.0_mos.lha 1.1.0 game/shoot 7413 7.2M 2006-08-18 ppc-morphos icon Shoot-em-up-game for 1 or 2 players - (readme)
AmiChessMOS-2.1.lha 2.1 game/board 6697 1.9M 2006-08-23 ppc-morphos icon Chess based on GNUChess 5.05/06 - (readme)
Amifish_MorphOS.lha 2.0 game/board 528 4.1M 2024-10-12 ppc-morphos icon Chess program UCI compatible - (readme)
AmiNonogram.lha 1.0 game/think 1614 121K 2022-05-20 ppc-morphos icon AmiNonogram - (readme)
AmiNonogramPackEditor.lha 0.4b game/think 1532 76K 2022-05-27 ppc-morphos icon AmiNonogramPackEditor - (readme)
amoebax-0.2.0-morphos.lha 0.2.0 game/actio 8630 9.6M 2007-08-21 ppc-morphos icon One or two player Tetris clone - (readme)
anagramarama.tgz 0.1 game/think 4974 1.5M 2006-08-22 ppc-morphos icon Word puzzler, with nice gfx etc. - (readme)
Angband-MUI.lha 3.0.6 game/role 7509 2.8M 2006-07-22 ppc-morphos icon Rogue like roleplaying game - (readme)
APool-GL.lha 1.0 game/misc 3227 1.8M 2016-08-15 ppc-morphos icon 3D computer billiards simulation - (readme)
apool2d_mos.lha 0.982 game/misc 3171 147K 2005-04-21 ppc-morphos icon Simple SDL pool game - (readme)
Aquaria_ppc-morphos.lha game/actio 5484 3.3M 2017-10-30 ppc-morphos icon Aquaria, underwater game - (readme)
Aqua_1.lha 1.1 game/role 10689 27M 2007-02-18 ppc-morphos icon Full release of graphic adventure game - (readme)
Aqua_2.lha 1.1 game/role 9370 26M 2007-02-18 ppc-morphos icon Full release of graphic adventure game - (readme)
Aqua_3.lha 1.1 game/role 4840 48M 2007-02-18 ppc-morphos icon Full release of graphic adventure game - (readme)
Aqua_4.lha 1.1 game/role 4538 45M 2007-02-18 ppc-morphos icon Full release of graphic adventure game - (readme)
ARLB.lha 1.0 game/race 5008 2.5M 2017-12-27 ppc-morphos icon Show AmigaRacer highscores in MUI window - (readme)
armagetron-mos.lha game/race 6273 1.8M 2006-02-09 ppc-morphos icon OpenGL Tron clone - (readme)
ASB.lha 0.4 game/2play 6502 584K 2008-01-18 ppc-morphos icon Arcade game inspired by Air Sea Battle - (readme)
AsteroidsTR.lha 1.4 game/shoot 1821 3.0M 2005-09-25 ppc-morphos icon V1.4 Asteroids Clone, OS friendly - (readme)
atakks-1.0-morphos.lha 1.0 game/think 785 110K 2008-03-09 ppc-morphos icon Chinese mind game - (readme)
AThrust_MOS.lha 0.83c.2 (V0.83c, MorphOS version game/shoot 1698 470K 2005-07-10 ppc-morphos icon MorphOS port of XThrust - (readme)
attd.lha 0.001 game/think 985 101K 2005-09-22 ppc-morphos icon Mathematical mind game - (readme)
avp.ppc-morphos.lha 1.00 game/shoot 1780 1.7M 2013-10-14 ppc-morphos icon Aliens versus Predator for MorphOS - (readme)
aws2c.lha 1.9.6 game/edit 3192 2.0M 2021-05-05 ppc-morphos icon Adventure Writing System to C compiler - (readme)
bantumi.lha 2.04 game/board 7938 452K 2010-11-01 ppc-morphos icon Ancient African board game in 3D - (readme)
Barkanoid2Demo.lha game/demo 6103 23M 2006-08-21 ppc-morphos icon Breakout clone with more than 300 levels - (readme)
barrage-mos.lha 1.0.1 game/shoot 1679 738K 2005-12-05 ppc-morphos icon Shoot soldiers and tanks with your cannon - (readme)
BattlePong_mos.lha Beta 3 game/think 1270 335K 2005-04-20 ppc-morphos icon Battle Pong is an advanced Pong clone. Source included. - (readme)
battlesquadron_demo_NG.lha Initial game/demo 3829 10M 2019-03-04 ppc-morphos icon BattleSquadron for MOS/OS4 (orig. Demo) - (readme)
beastieworker-0.4-mos.lha 0.4 game/think 1292 2.4M 2007-10-20 ppc-morphos icon 3D Sokoban - (readme)
BermudaSyndrome-morphos.lha 0.1.3 game/actio 8654 112K 2008-04-15 ppc-morphos icon Bermuda Syndrome/SDL - (readme)
BiedronkaZuzia.lha 1.5 game/misc 412 1.3M 2022-05-31 ppc-morphos icon GAME WITHOUT VIOLENCE for small children - (readme)
Found 368 matching packages
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